The Death of A Beloved

Start from the beginning

"Sounds good to me,"


They then continued their way to Endou's house. Thankfully, after a few agonising hours of walking, they reach his house. But they were shocked to find the ate wide open with the infected roaming all over. Some were even banging on the windows and door.

"No... This can't be..." Endou muttered. How can the doors be open?! Endou's mother almost never leaves the gates open. Especially not during a zombie apocalypse!

"Endou," Gouenji said putting a firm hand on Endou's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Fubuki walked in emotionlessly with the others behind him. Everyone raised their weapons in alarm. Then, they attacked. They slashed, hit, kick, push, destroyed and well, killed off all of the infected. Endou quickly closed the gate to prevent anymore infected from coming in.

After that, they stopped at the door uneasily. The door was left slightly ajar. Endou gulped and reached for the doorknob.

"Endou... Be careful and... be ready. We don't know what happened in there so..." Kazemaru said trailing off. Endou nodded, a drop of sweat sliding down his face. He then pushed the door open and got ready at the scene before him. Blood. Blood and bodies were everywhere. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn. Endou switched on the lights to allow a better view of the place. There was a of blood on the ground everywhere, leading to upstairs. There was one or two infected roaming around the living room and a few in the kitchen which were quickly taken out.

"Seeing so many of the bodies of the infecteds on the ground, your parents must be alive and alright..." Fubuki said. "But we can't be sure yet. There's still upstairs,"

They then advanced the stairs and reached the second floor. There were none of the infected to be seen upstairs... Yet.

"We should check-" Kazemaru was cut off by a piercing scream. It sound like a woman's scream. It was followed by a man's shout. But neither of them can identify what the man was trying to say. All this ruckus seemed to be coming from the master bedroom. Endou quickly opened the door and the group rushed inside to see an infected bite into a man's arm. The man seemed to be defending the woman. The man fell to the ground clutching his arm in pain.

"Otou-san (Father)! Okaa-san (Mother)!" Endou exclaimed running forward and smashing the infecteds head with his spanner. The infected fell to the floor and Endou ended it by bashing its head. Endou then went to his parents.

"O-Otou-san (Father)!" Endou exclaimed with tears in his eyes. His father was bitten by an infected. Sooner or later, his father is going to.... No! He can't let that happen! But what could he do?!

The other approached Endou and his parents with a sad look in their eyes. All of them know what's going to happen. There was no escaping reality. Endou's father was bitten. He is going to die and turn into one of those things...

Endou was already bursting in tears as he hugged his father, fully aware of what was going to happen. Endou's mother was in the same state, hugging her husband, bursting in tears. Looks like they are also aware of what was going to happen.

"No... If only I had come a second earlier! I could've prevented this!" Endou shouted.

"It's okay... son... I'm fine... These must be your teammates, huh...? Nice to.. meet you guys..." Endou's father said before coughing out blood. It pained them to see someone in such a painful state. But they've seen it quite a number of times already...

"No... It's not fine! Once you get b-b-bitten... Once you- you get bitt-ten, you'll d-d-d-die and become one of them!!" Endou exclaimed in tears.

"I know.. son... That's why you have to live..." Endou's father coughed out some more blood. "Don't end up like me..."

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