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Alright. Once again, exams are over! Yeyy... But not for long sigh. I realize I usually update right after exams so... Anyways, huge thank you to everyone once again for following up with the story! You guys are best TT~TT *sniff sniff* Alright, just a foreword, this chappie is mainly focused on Fubuki-kun, so yeah. Let me get lost so you can all continue with the story, aye? *insert laugh-cry emoji*

'Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like fragrance,' -Christopher Poindexter

The next few hours went by like tornado to say the least. So apparently, Fubuki met Adam and his gang by accident, checked the cabin and nearly got throttled by the said redhead before another gang joined them. Apparently, they were all coincidentally on the same plane as well. Apparently, they all talked about the same story of how an apocalypse had been taking over the world....

He swore all this information was going to give him a migraine...

His logical mind had been creating different explanations for his current explanations but he tried to forcefully push the doubts away. Was he perhaps in some kind of gang fight which involved him getting kicked off the cliff or something? Maybe he was a spy for some secret organization and the enemy (which are the people around him now) are taking advantage of his amnesiac state to bring him to the other side... Or maybe he had been on a camping trip with these... friends and they are playing a gigantic prank on him. Maybe they somehow drugged him and he would wake up from this absurd version of reality in a pissed off state....

But whatever it was, he didn't expect to end up sitting in a circle with the rest of them in a dark cabin. The light from the candle flicked ever so often. Everyone's eyes flickered along with the dancing flame. The smell of wood was dense in the air. Huh, what about those warnings about lighting a flame in a wooden house, again? He stared at the flame, zoning out from everything around him. They had been taking turns to give an account on everything that had happened to them ever since they got separated. He would pretend not to notice but he saw the Fuyuka sneaking worried-looking peeks at him ever so often too. Which reminds him, he hadn't talked to her ever since he entered the house. Well, not like it mattered much. He was just too caught up with this own thoughts to realize anything.

"... -ki, you listening?" He felt a pair of bright teal eyes boring into him as the other's elbow nudged his arm. Ahh.. Kiyama Hiroto. He was the one of the few people who's name went into his mind immediately after being mentioned. He felt some kind of strong connection with the guy but... Everything's too fuzzy for him now. They must've been close somehow.

"Yeah.. Well, actually, no, sorry I must've zoned out a little..." He muttered.

"It's your turn to give your recount," Endou stated.

So they decided to go clockwise and since Fubuki was before Fuyuka before that direction, he had no clue of what to say.

"Erm... Something happened before that and er.. met snakes and while escaping I met Adam and the others?"

Way to go once again. He rolled his eyes internally at his own awkwardness.

"What do you mean by something happened before that? Are you alright, Fubuki? You seem a little.. Spaced out," Endou questioned further.

He remained silent for a moment, not knowing what he should do nor the right words to say... Adam looked at him tentatively while Fuyuka continued to stare.

"Look..." Fubuki ran a hand through his hair. The others were puzzled at his puzzled look (A/N: HAHA INTENDED). "I don't remember anything, okay? I know this sounds weird but I don't- *sigh* I don't even know who all of you are..."

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