Coach? Or Not!

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They continued up the stairs in silence, all of them thinking what they had just experienced. They reached the second floor on no time. They inspected the floor to make sure that none of the infected were around. But there was one room that caught their eye. The room was locked.

"Minna (Everyone)! Look at this room! It's locked!" Kazemaru exclaimed. Everyone gathered near where he was.

"Otou-sama (Father) must be inside!!" Fuyuka exclaimed. Hope had filled her eyes. It had to be her father! Who else would it be?!

"Well..... Looks like its safe to assume that Kudou Kantoku (Coach Kudou) is safe. He must've been hiding inside the room. I assume that he was the first one who noticed all of this things happening so he decided to flee first. He had faith that we would come and find him here," Fubuki said. Everyone else nodded, agreeing what Fubuki had just said. I men, why else would the coach be here all of the sudden?

"Now all we have to do is tell him that it's us and not one of the infected," Hiroto said and everyone nodded.

"O-Otou-sama (F-Father)! Please open the door!! It's me, Fuyuka!" Fuyuka exclaimed banging in the door with all her might. But there was no reply at all.

"Please!! Open the door! It's us, coach!! We've took out all of the infected already! There's no longer a reasons to hide from them!" Kazemaru exclaimed.

"PLEASE COACH! OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!" Endou shouted as loud as he could. Everyone was in shock at how loud he was.

"Endou! Not too loud! If you hadn't forget, we're still in the middle of a zombie apocalypse!" Fubuki whisper-screamed.


"What's that's sound?" Kidou asked.

Gouenji headed over to the window to see what was going on. The window was open. He stared in shock. There were many infected banging at the gates.

"What's going on, Gouenji?" Kidou asked walking to Gouenji's side. He took a look. "I see... The window had been open when Endou was shouting and it attracted them,"

Just then, the door opened of the locked room opened slightly. Everyone felt relieved. But they were really shocked to see an old lady standing at the doorway with a very frightened look on her face. Her fingers could be seen trembling. She had light brown hair and wrinkles on her face. She had a pair of brown eyes too.

"A-Aunt Mika!" Fuyuka exclaimed running forward to hug the woman.

"Fu-chan! Who are all these people? How did you escape from those things?!" the woman, Aunt Mika exclaimed.

"These are my friends! They helped me escape from them! I couldn't have escaped those things without them!" Fuyuka exclaimed with tears in here eyes. Since they have finished checking the whole house and finished locking all of the doors and windows and all the possible openings where the infected can come in through, all of them settled down on the floor and started introducing themselves to Aunt Mika.

"Ore wa Endou Mamoru (I'm Endou Mamoru)! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Please take care of me)!"

"Bokura wa Kiyama Hiroto desu (I'm Kiyama Hiroto)! Nice to meet you!"

"Ore wa Gouenji Shuuya (I'm Gouenji Shuuya). It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"Watashi wa Haruna (I'm Haruna)! Great to meet you!"

"Ore wa Kidou Yuuto (I'm Kidou Yuuto). A pleasure to meet you,"

"Kazemaru Ichirouta desu (Kazemaru Ichirouta)! Happy to meet you!"

"Boku wa Fubuki Shirou desu (I'm Fubuki Shirou). An honor to meet you,"

"Fu-chan! What great friends you have!" Aunt Mika exclaimed. She then whispered something to Fuyuka, "Do you like any of them??"

Fuyuka blushed tomato red.

"I-It's nothing like that!" Fuyuka exclaimed. Aunt Mika just gave a chuckle.

"Let's all go down stairs! I believe that there are some food left in the refrigerator. Let's grab something to drink. You all must be thirsty. Do tell me what happened and how you got here when we are drinking," Aunt Mika said standing up. Everyone stood up too.

"But Aunt Mika, is there enough drinks for everyone?" Fuyuka asked in a concerned tone.

"There's no need to worry! Your father have bought a lot of drinks before all this mess happened. There's no need to worry," Aunt Mika said.

"Then perhaps you know where father is??" Fuyuka asked with hope. But that died down as soon as she saw her aunt shake her head.

"He hasn't been home since all this began. At least I didn't know he did. It was safe at first but the door opened and the infected came in. I quickly ran upstairs but they followed. So I had no choice but to hide in the room," Aunt Mika said.

"One question, what o you mean by 'the door opened'?" Kidou, being the sharp boy he is, asked.

"I don't know...the door seemed to open by itself and a strange-looking infected was standing at the doorway. That infected seemed slightly different... After that, that infected walked away and let the other more normal-looking infecteds in! I honestly thought that strange-looking infected would come in and bite me! No... More like I thought as long as the door was closed, the infecteds can't come in," Aunt Mika said walking towards the stairs.

"We should take note of this..." Kidou said deep in thought.

"We can discuss about this downstairs," Fubuki said.

"Aunt Mika, allow me to go first. Just in case an infected comes out of nowhere," Hiroto said.

"Why you are such a kind boy!" Aunt Mika exclaimed.

"Hiroto, didn't we lock the door?" Haruna asked.

"Just in case," Hiroto said.

"Hiroto's right. We don't know if they would come out of nowhere all of the sudden," Fubuki said. Then they started heading down the stairs. Suddenly, Aunt Mika stopped in her tracks, a very shocked and horrified look was plastered on her face.

"What's wrong, Aunt Mika?" Fuyuka asked with a worried look.

"What happened here?! Why is there so much blood?! Why are there so many bodies of the infected which are beaten into such a bad shape?!" Aunt Mika exclaimed in shock.

"Oh... Fubuki here did what he had to save Fuyuka... He took out all of the infected on his own," Kazemaru said nervously.

"But I thought a blow in the head is enough?" Aunt Mika asked oblivious to their uneasiness.

"Err...." Kazemaru was unsure of what to say.

"I apologize for the mess. I went slightly over of what I was supposed to do in the first place," Fubuki said answering Aunt Mika's question.

"I see..." Aunt Mika said finally felling the uneasiness. 'What a fearsome child,' Aunt Mika thought to herself. They the reached the first floor. Aunt Mika went to take some drinks while the others sat down in a circle.

"You didn't tell us that you had an aunt living in your home," Hiroto whispered.

"I didn't?" Fuyuka asked. Everyone shook their heads. Soon, Aunt Mika was back with the drinks. Aunt Mika gave all of them the drinks. They sat in a circle. The formation was Aunt Mika-Fuyuka-Fubuki-Hiroto-Endou-Gouenji-Kidou-Kazemaru-Haruna. All of them still kept their guard up even though the door is locked and there is no infected in the house. They began to chat.

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