Grouping Up & Something Wrong

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Hey, guys!~ I am back with another chappie! \^o^/ Once again, thank you to all of my readers who have reached this far ;) Do enjoy!~~


With Hiroto, Gouenji and Yuuka

"Urgh... Where in the world is Endou?!" Hiroto groaned. He, Gouenji and Yuuka have been trudging, or in his case, limping for quite a while now. But they have yet to encounter their soccer freak captain...

"Be patient, Hiroto. I am sure that even if he is a hyperactive freak, he knows when he shouldn't move around and when he should," Gouenji said. Just then, Yuuka perked up.

"Onii-chan (Big brother)! Yuuka see Endou-san in front!" Yuuka exclaimed pointing in front. Gouenji was still carrying her, therefore, she is able to see things far away as she is higher.

"Hontou nano ka (Really)?!" Gouenji exclaimed. Yuuka replied with an enthusiastic nod.

"Tsui ni (Finally)!" Hiroto exclaimed with fake watery eyes. Goueji just chuckled at the scene. They then hurried their footsteps. Once they were out of the bushes, Endou whipped around and pointed his dagger at them in a fighting stance.

"Dare (Who's there)?!" Endou exclaimed. Gouenji and the other's froze.

"O-Oretachi dayo (I-It's us), Endou," Hiroto said holding his hands up nervously. What had cause their captain to be so on the edge? Just then, Hiroto and the others noticed the carcass of the panther and Endou's injured shoulder. They instantly knew what had happened. Endou fought a panther and killed it.

"Eh? Hiroto, Gouenji and Yuuka. Gomen gomen (Sorry sorry)!" Edou exclaimed putting the weapon away. "I thought it was another wild animal or something..."

"Are you alright, Endou? Your shoulder is still bleeding," Gouenji said sternly while putting Yuuka down.

"Oh! Ore wa zen zen heki dayo (I am completely fine)! Shinpai nai (Don't worry)!" Endou exclaimed with a smile. A fake smile. They could see he was depressed. It must've been because he was aware that he had just took the life of a panther...

"Nani ga kawata (What happened)?" Hiroto asked. "Tell us every detail of it,"

Endou sighed and told the what happened after they all settled down on the ground.

"Souka (I see)..." Hiroto said. "But you can't blame yourself on this one, Endou. It was wither you die or it dies... You didn't want to kill it but you had no choice as it was the one who attacked you. So there's no need for you to get depressed over it,"

"Hiroto no yuutori (Hiroto is right!)" Yuuka exclaimed. Gouenji smiled and put a hand on Yuuka's head and gave Endou a reassuring smile. Endou them smiled.

"Soudayo ne (That's right, isn't it?)" Endou said. "What we should do now is to wait patiently for the others to gather here as well!"

Gouenji and the other smiled. They were glad that Endou was back to his usual cheery self.

With Fubuki and Fuyuka

"Fubuki-kun, are we going the right way?" Fuyuka asked turning to face the silverette. Fubuki nodded.

"Hai (Yes)," Fubuki said. "I'm quite sure this is the direction where I saw Endou last parachute to,"

"That's good but... Why are we in front of a village..?" Fuyuka asked sweatdroping.

"Good point...?" Fubuki let out a nervous laugh before reverting back to his serious mode. "Right. This is great news. We can ask for help from the villagers. But..."

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