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Bgdjbfjdns classes have begun once again and all of sudden it's been days since I last updated this draft. I'm updating a teeny tiny bit every day so I'm not sure when the chapter will be officially ready =.= but my eyes are like gonna become so tiny just constantly typing in that tiny screen +.+ I had to copy everything back to Word to format and bold and italicise because I CANT FIND THE BUTTONS ANYMORE IDK WHY (any kind souls who know where the bold and italicise buttons went in phone, please tell this human thankiew in advance AHAHA) anyways, let's not dally any longer bwuaha xD on with the chappie~~ >:3

“Danger does not lurk at every corner. It’s just hanging out waiting for fear and horror to show up.” -Unknown


Just when he thought that he had survived nearly being butchered alive by some angry female warriors, they were saved by chance. Hiroto was starting to think that maybe the sky didn't hate him all that much after all--maybe his previous built-up bad luck was for the sake of bailing him and his friends out of this sticky situation. With that in mind, he had shrugged off the minor scratches and injuries from the first few days of the jungle, deciding that it was all worthwhile to save them from their sorry fates. But just as he was about to have the luxury to just explore Dreamland, something else came to him first.

Saginuma stood with his back towards the former captain of The Genesis.


Before he could say another word, the raven had turned to him, eyes widened in terror as what seemed like an arm had stuck itself out of his gaping mouth. His bloodshot eyes were rolled to the back of his eyes as a second arm had pushed itself out of his jaw, tearing the edges of his lips as his mandible was forced to stretch beyond its limits.

But that wasn't as horrible and as illogical as what came next. Saginuma's skull expanded. Infecteds--who had too much of a resemblance to Reize and Ulvida to be a coincidence--literally clawed their way out of the former captain of Epsilon's mouth with sheer will, breaking his jaw. But instead of a full body that followed, both Reize and Ulvida had only half of their bodies still intact. Therefore, they fell like lumps of meat into the crimson-coated ground, twitching and spurting more blood as their supposedly dead bodies continue pumping more blood out through the arteries. Their eyeballs were rolled to the back of their head, yet they moved as if they could see, tearing the already tattered Saginuma apart like he really was nothing but a pile of minced meat.

Hiroto's eyes widened in shock as he took a few steps back, heart pounding furiously in his chest as he behold the scene before him. Before he realised it, a pair of cold hands gripped into his shoulders and he felt teeth chomp down into his neck.

Hiroto screamed.

When he opened his eyes again, he was welcomed by yet another familiar scene-- The store where he watched all of his friends get beat-up by some unknown men. Only this time, he was the one getting yelled at. But whatever the man said, it only turned out as static for he couldn't hear a thing. Everything was blurred out and sounded far away, almost as if he were watching things from underwater.

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