Sudden Outburst

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The house was dark inside. It appears that the lights were not on. They entered the dark house with caution as the infected could be in there and it is possible for them (the infected) to attack anytime. Fuyuka then on the lights. There wasn't a single infected around.

"Look!" Kazemaru whisper-shouted while pointing at the ground. Just in front of them, there was a body of an infected. It was covered with blood and its brains have been scattered.

"Eek!" Haruna exclaimed hiding behind Kidou. Hiroto grimaced at the infected while Endou poked it with his spanner.

"Endou, it's dead. You don't have to poke it," Kazemaru said sweatdropping.

"It's just in case,"

"Like Kazemaru said, it's dead and it can't just come back alive,"

"But that's what they mean by 'undead' right? We killed the 'undead' and they might come back as the 'already-killed-once-after-being-an-undead undead'!"

"That makes no sense!"

"Oh my god it's moving!"


Everyone turned to the infected and see the body moving. Everyone took a few steps back.

"See what I mean?!"

Just then, they noticed that it was Fubuki that had been kicking the infected so hard that the whole body shook, making the effect as if it was really moving.

"Fubuki! That just took away my 10 years!"

"Not my problem,"

Fubuki then walked further into the house ignoring Kazemaru. The others sweatdropped. Poor Kazemaru.

"Don't worry, Kazemaru. I'm sure that's his way of saying sorry," Fuyuka said just trying to make Kazemaru feel better. They then followed Fubuki into the house, keeping their guard up. They checked the whole place. All there's left is the second floor.

"Are you all ready?" Fubuki asked. Everyone nodded and gripped onto their weapon tight. They then proceeded to accend the stairs. It was a narrow wooden staircase. Since it was too narrow for two people to go simultaneously, they went up in a line. Hiroto is the first one. Following by Gouenji, Endou, Kazemaru, Fuyuka, Haruna and Kidou. Fubuki is the last one. Suddenly, one of the infected lunged towards Hiroto. Hiroto quickly hit the infected backwards using his stick. Hiroto then ruthlessly smashed the infected's head open, letting the brains fly out. He didn't care if the blood splattered on his shirt. Everyone else was in shock.

"Erm... H-Hiroto? Since when did you become so ruthless...?" Endou asked nervously.

"Dunno. Maybe I've learned it after seeing Fubuki kill them so many times," Hiroto said shrugging.

"That's my good pupil," Fubuki said from behind.

Everyone sweatdropped. They continued upwards. Just then, Hiroto stepped onto a loose plank making a loud squeaking sound. Everyone gasped.

"Go back down!"

Everyone the rushed to go down. Even Hiroto and Gouenji, Endou and Kazemaru had also pushed their way down. But since everyone was pushing, Fuyuka tripped before falling down. The infected were already behind them. Tears were visible in Fuyuka's eyes.

"F-Fuyuka-chan!" Haruna exclaimed with horror painted all over her face. Fubuki then hopped behind Fuyuka just in time and began taking out all the infected on his own. He hit the infected hard in the head. The rich crimson dye splattered out of the infected's head, staining the walls with its color. Another came. Fubuki kicked it in the stomach, letting in fall to the ground. He then thrusted his wooden katana into the brain. Again, the red dye was splattered everywhere. There was a smirk on Fubuki's face after seeing the color. One more came and Fubuki stabbed it through the stomach. The infected fell to the ground. Fubuki stepped on the infected's head. After that, he began stomping on the head. The neck of the infected broke and the head was stomped flat. Well.... Not literally but it was a bloody mess. He then thrusted the head with his wooden katana once more just in case. There was one more infected coming down the stairs.

"Get Fuyuka out of the way! And stay away from the stairs!" Fubuki exclaimed. Endou quickly took Fuyuka to the side of the stairs.

After that, Fubuki did a black flip behind the infected before kicking it down the stairs. The infected fell down the stairs breaking an arm in the process. But it still managed to stand up.

"Aww~ It didn't break the head~" Fubuki said creepily.

It open its jaws and was about to bite Endou when suddenly the tip of a wooden katana was seen through its mouth. The bloody wooden katana withdrew before the infected fell to the ground. There was this very creepy smirk on Fubuki's face. Fubuki stepped on the head of the infected before splattering its brains all over by smashing the head.

"Bye bye then~"

Everyone stared at Fubuki in utter shock.

"A-Are you alright? Do you have a fever? What's with that smirk of yours?" Kazemaru asked.

"I'm perfectly fine! That felt SO good!" Fubuki exclaimed with a spark in his eyes. Just then, his smirk disappeared. "Gomen (Sorry)... It seems I went a little crazy. I'm fine now..." Fubuki said in a tired tone. Due to the movements he did back there, his wound started to hurt again. He also noticed what he did and calmed down.

"It's alright! Fuyuka's saved thanks to you," Endou said forcing a smile. All of them were shocked by what happened. Never once they saw Fubuki take out the infecteds so... Cruelly. His smirk scared the living daylights out of them! But now... He seems pretty normal.

"Let's go!" Endou said taking the lead this time.

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