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HELLOO PEOPLEEEEE I hereby declare that I am, in fact, still alive! XD although I’m painfully aware that it’s been… kinda more than a while since I’ve last updated this story *wince* hope anyone reading this is fine and surviving the days of staying rotting at home during the pandemic! :DD  (Yeah, weird how you’re here reading a story of an apocalypse due to a pandemic IN a pandemic, isn’t it? pffttt) Well anyways… I’ll be honest, aside from surviving drowning in all the hectic uni workload, my motivation for continuing this was low because well, it’s been a while and it takes time to refreshen yourself on the minute details of the story before actually continuing to write so.. yeah :/ I apologize for the long wait after a friggin’ cliffy.  But somehow seeing the comments had fueled me up once again and gotten my lazy ass up to update XD

Anyways, I have finally completed a new chappie! (though I’m actually not sure if anyone is still reading this lmaoo) But hope this short update would somehow help in relieving some of your boredom being locked up at home XD And really, thank you so much to everyone who have read up to now so far and left comments/tried to reach out to me uwu  <3

Anyways, without further ado… Enjoy the chappie!~~~ XD

"Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and harder to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden." -- C. S. Lewis


The rest of the night was quiet. A thick atmosphere hung in the air while the boys hung around the clearing outside their hut and waited for someone to come. Just before leaving, they had informed the female guards outside of their hut of their situation and urged them to relay the information to the rest of the Amazonians, just in case they wouldn’t be able to handle the horde and everyone would have to evacuate the area immediately. Though they were all back in one piece, no one said a word. It was obvious what had been occupying their minds.

“…There’s a possibility that some of the infected possess a certain degree of consciousness,”

Hiroto shuddered at the mere thought. It was bad enough that almost everyone in the entire human population have been converted into “something else”. They have already become a minority, severely lacking in numbers. The only reason that they have managed to pull so far by taking advantage that they were mindless and could not see. And now, a new theory of the infecteds possibly possessing consciousness and intelligence pops up—threatening to rob what seems to be their own hope for survival and ending this nightmare.

The outlook was grim, that was definite.

To be entirely frank, sometimes he would allow himself the liberty to ponder the possibility that some day far in the future many generations after their own, the descendants of Kansas—who in his idealistic view (yes, he was painfully aware)— would continue to experience the accelerated growth in technology and research that would allow humanity to eventually gain the upper hand countering against these man-eating creatures who were once considered their own. Maybe even expand their territory by clearing out land little by little. And yet, with the new premise that had been uncovered, the tiny flame of hope that humanity would escape decimation snuffed out, leaving nothing but a sour and bitter taste in his mouth. Ah, it’s almost as if the mere thought about the future had become a sin that deserved punishment if indulged for too long—that someone had to take a foot cruelly stomp down onto those thoughts because of how absurd they seem now.

Hiroto let out a sigh, releasing his fingers from the balled fist that he had not realise that he had formed during the course of his thoughts.


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