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So... This chappie is quite crappy /._.\||| sorry. Thankiew to every who commented and voted. Reading them gave me the power the write haha. this chappie isn't good but but I hope you guys enjoy...


With Eric and Kazemaru

"Oi!... ke up! Wa...!"

Kazemaru's eyes fluttered open. He saw a certain blonde with a very pissed off face. If looks could kill, he's be dying off blood loss now.

"G-Gomen (S-Sorry), Eric!" Kazemaru quickly sat up. "I'm awake now,"

Eric growled coldly and said in a very straight-forward tone. "You sleep like a pig. A millennium passes just trying to get you to wake up,"

Kazemaru sweatdropped at Eric's exaggeration and straight-forwardness.

"L-Look, I already said I was sorry!" Kazemaru exclaimed before changing the subject. "Anyways, let's eat up and leave. We wouldn't want the the other leaving us behind now, do we?"

"You eat. I've already eaten while you were sleeping like a pig," Eric threw a packet of dried fruits and said, once again sending a dagger to Kzemaru's heart.

Kazemaru grumbled, picking the dried fruits up and tearing it open with his teeth. This Eric was completely different from the Eric he saw last night! Well... But at least Kazemaru can feel that the boy is opening up to him more.

After finish checking and packing, they left the hut behind. They had to go thought thick bushes to continue North. Of course, they didn't forget to leave some marks here and there so that they would not loose their way.

"Hey, Maru hyung (Big brother Maru), is this your first time in the forest like this?" Eric asked.

Kazemaru thought for a moment. "Well... Not really. I've even on camping trips and all. But if you're talking about the Amazons, this surely is the first time for me," Kazemaru chuckled slightly.

"I see..." Silence once again. But the both of them seemed to enjoyed it as it was a comfortable silence. The were taking in the nature that was surrounding them.

Kazemaru was then sucked into his thoughts. They were now in the Amazons. The odds were really against them. Think about it. It's such a big rainforest. If they miraculously manage to find the others and group up together, how would they manage to get themselves out? Were they going to have to walk all the way out of the rainforest? Would they get eaten by some wild predator? Nature is a very terrifying place. Well, actually it has been terrifying place for men since the stone ages! Or maybe even before? He doesn't know. Plus would there be enough food for-


A sharp pain seemed to run up his leg, abruptly cutting his train of thoughts. Kazemaru immediately dropped down and clutched his right leg, the area slightly above the ankle. Eric whipped behind to see Kazemaru on the ground. He was quickly enough to see something on the ground moving away. He quickly rushed to Kazemaru's side.

Kazemaru's face was twisted with pain as he bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut.

"What's wrong?!" Eric asked, a look of terror on his face. When he received no response from the teal net, he pried the boy's hands from his leg. To his horror, there was a painful looking bite on it. It had two holes, probably made by fangs. That whole area seemed to be swollen as a very angry-looking color. The two holes were bleeding.

"What was it that bit you?" Eric asked, panic in his voice. No response. Eric bit his lip. If he wanted to do something, he had to get answers first.

Eric repeated his question. "What was it that bit you? I need answers if I'm going to help you,"

Kazemaru seemed to be digging his own fingernails into the area around the bite mark. It was just that painful.

"A... Brown spider.." Kazemaru's choked out. Eric's eyes widened. The first spider that came into his mind when he thought of brown spiders was the brown recluse spider. It's venom could be fatal! Damn... How is he gonna help him now?! He's in the Amazons! Eric cursed silently.

'Calm down, Young-Min, calm down.. You don't know for sure yet...' He told himself as a bead of sweat glided down his cheek. He then asked Kazemaru once again.

"Does the spider have a uniform color with a lightly noticeable violin on its back?" Eric asked.

Kazemaru shook his head. "... Hair..."

"It has hair? Is it big?"

Nods were received from the teal net.

"Does is have big, beady eyes?" Eric asked. Kazemaru nodded.

"Probably... Wolf spider.." Kazemaru muttered. Something in Eric seemed to click. He quickly brought out all the supplied he would need. Eric elevate Kazemaru's leg by putting their bags underneath it.

"This gonna hurt a little but you're gonna be alright," Eric reassured him in a soothing tone. Kazemaru nodded. Say the truth, he was quite shocked. Eric seemed really professional.

Using the water they used for drinking, Eric gently cleaned the area. Then, he took out some antibiotic cream he got from his bag. He felt really grateful that he had stuffed it in his bag the last time he, Adam and Kristian robbed supplies from a shop in the airport.

Eric bandaged the area up. He didn't know if it was going to work though... He remembered that ice should be applied, but there was no way he could find ice in a tropical rainforest... Hopefully the venom is not enough to cause any harm. If he remembers properly, Wolf Spier bites are painful, but not enough to be fatal to humans... But he can't be 100% sure..

"Gomapsumnida, Eric..." Kazemaru said. He seemed to be a little tired. Bt it is as though he is already getting used to the pain.

"Maru hyung (Big brother Maru). Are you sure it was a Wolf Spider?" Eric asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I know more about spiders that you think... Had a slight obsession with spiders a while back," Kazemaru stated while chuckling weakly. "How come you seem to know the way to treat it?"

"Don't forget that I still am the son of a family of doctors," Eric smirked. "I may have pretended to fail the exams but that doesn't mean I didn't study at all,"

"You're right," Kazemaru said with a soft smile. "Sorry,"

"Don't be. Anyways, you have to rest for a moment. At least 10 minutes. The pain might go away and it might still be there afterwards but 10 minutes is for the least," Eric stated.

Kazemaru then saluted playfully. "Yes, doc,"

Eric punched Kazemaru in the arm playfully. "Stop that!"


So I guess that's about it for this chappie. Sorry if you guys think its cruddy /._.\||| please comment what you think. Thanks

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