"What's with you today jennie?" He asked and continue to laugh at me "your thoughts are weird"

"You done?" I asked looking at him blankly.

"Wait" he sign and try to put a serious face "okay I'm done"

"You like her or what?" I repeated.

"Eh do I really need to answer that?"

"Obviously, that's why I asked you right?"

"Hmm I don't like her I love her with all my heart and my soul that I'm willing to kill you" he dramatically said and laughed.

"I'll be the one to kill you if you keep answering me like that" I firmly said.

"I'm just messing with you my little sister" he said and winked "but seriously jen I like her"

I sign in relief not until I realized what he said "wait wha-"

"For you" he cut me off "I like her for you" he said and smiled teasingly while wiggling his eyebrows.

"It ain't funny"

"Because I'm serious" he said and giggle "I only look at her as my sister and nothing else so if she's going to court you say yes immediately okay? Understand? You get it? You hear me jennie? Say yes!"

"Whatever, goodnight" I walk passed him.

"Hey! I'm still talking to you that's unrespectful!! Jennie!! SAY Y-" I didn't let him finished and closed the door of my room.

I put my bag to the table and throw myself to my bed "this is heaven" I said feeling the softness of my bed and after a minute I drifted my self to sleep.


10:48 am

"Good morning jen" dara unnie greeted.

"Good morning" I smiled and sat at the chair in front of the mirror.

She started to prepare all she needs in the table for doing my make up.

"This is your last photoshoot for this week right?" She asked while wiping my face with tissue.

"Yes, Why?" I asked and close my eyes while leaning my head at the chair.

"I have to go somewhere tomorrow to pick up your outfits for next week" I just hummed in response and she continued to put a make up.

I saw her standing beside her table while messaging her neck.

She looks tired.

When she noticed my stares she look at me and smiled weakly.

"You done preparing?" She asked and get her camera.


"Okay, everyone let's start!" She stated and all the staff members obeyed her.

We did the photoshoot for 2 and a half hours, it's just quick because this is the last for this week and she seems already satisfied with the pictures that she took.

She's more professional and more serious today that it didn't take us for long.

I was about to enter my dressing room when my manager call me "jennie!" I stop my track and face him.

"Someone's looking for you" he said giving me a meaningful look.

"Okay" he realized what I said so he nod and walk away.

After a minutes I saw someone walking towards me with a smile.


"Hey" I greeted back with a smile.

"I'll drive you home" we heard the closing door of the cr so we face that person.

"Lisa! Come here" I said and she look shocked when she saw the person beside me.

"You need anything?"

"Nothing, I just want to introduce you to someone" she walked towards us still not taking off her eyes to the person beside me.

"Lisa this is jongin he's also a photographer and jongin this is lisa my personal photographer" I said and they look at each other first before jongin clears his throat.

"Nice to meet you l-lisa" he said and offer a handshake.

Is he okay? He look so tensed up.

She stared at his hands first before she accept it "Nice to meet you too jongin" lisa said and they did a handshake.

"I'm sorry but I need to go" lisa said while looking at us apologetically.

"It's okay lisa" I said and smiled at her warmly.

"See you around bye!" She said and run away like she's in a hurry. I look at jongin who's sweating a lot right now.

"Are you okay?" He just smiled at me and nod his heads. I entered my dressing and started to change my clothes and clean my face.



I Love You More Than Everything || JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now