"Is it Sabeera Aapi?"

Areeba followed her line of vision and sighed.

"Yes, it's her."

"She's pregnant."

"Well she's married so yeah, it's no rocket science, Elaf."

Elaf cut her impatiently.

"But, last time I heard she was going to London for her specialization. Her mother was telling everyone!"

"Oh, Elaf! You are so naïve. Everyone says it like this only. But I always knew if she was going to England to her husband for her specialization, that'd be the last thing she'd do. She went there. We don't know what happened to that specialization she was supposed to be doing but then after few months she came back. Pregnant and now her mother in law is saying that she'll stay here only because how she'll take care of the baby there alone as her husband is a busy man."

"But she was the topper of her batch! I was so sure she'd make such a good doctor."

Elaf couldn't believe it. Sabeera was the star medical student of her year. Everyone knew that. But seeing her now no one could say a promising doctor was there somewhere. A feeling of discomfort was engulfing Elaf so was a rage she knew was going to come out sooner or later. Areeba had guessed it and was now trying to divert the topic.

"Leave it. It's none of our business anyway. So I was saying that my friend was literally shivering the night there in Gilgit and I was like what is wrong with you! This is the weather of our dreams."

Elaf gave her a small smile but her eyes were still wandering where Sabeera sat. She shook her head as if trying to block out the uncomfortable thoughts. This was the main reason why she didn't like attending her extending family functions. She'd always get pissed off over something the others would think was nothing and then she'll ponder upon it for days. It was no secret. Elaf Daud was wary of her Dad's side of family. And there were far too many reasons for that.


The voice of her mother made Elaf look to the side. Yusra was walking towards her daughter taking long strides and Elaf could imagine what it was about.

"You didn't meet your Dado!"

Elaf sighed but got up nevertheless. Areeba grinned but remained at her seat.

"I've already greeted her. I'm going to wait here for you."

Elaf nodded and followed her mother towards the table her grandmother must be sitting with all her family. Ah the joy! As Elaf pushed her hair out of her face she felt the mouthwatering smell of food. The only thing she was so looking forwards to but yay life!

"Asslam Alaikum, Dado."

She greeted loudly once she was closer to the dreaded table. No sooner had she done that, almost a dozen pair of eyes looked sizing her up. Elaf didn't flinch. She kept on standing there confidently because she knew how her being in her own element was going to piss these people. She was always an outcast in this regard. Maybe, because her father hadn't resorted to living in the big joint family like all his brothers. As far as she could remember, they had always lived away from Durrani house, the ancestral home where all the Durrani's live under the watchful eye of Mrs. Bilqees Durrani who was using the same eye on Elaf.

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