💙TRCNG |Because You Don't Care

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Request for onewheartstoo
Genre: Angst with fluff
Little details/warnings: non caring manager
Plot: the oldest members buy food for the group since there manager don't care. Somehow Kangmin end up getting food poisoning and is on the edge of his life because of it. But the manager doesn't care.

Jihun growls softly as he, Hayoung and Hakmin walk through the street in the cold. "why can't the manager just care about us and buy food for us?! This way we lose practicing time and our own money that we're slowly running out of." a silence falls. "Maybe one of us should get an extra job." Hakmin mumbles as he trys to zip his jacket even further. "but then you would give up your free time for a job for the group." The youngest of the two shrugs. "if it helps for the group it would be worth it." Jihun sighs and they enter the Convenience store. Jihun makes sure the other two don't get distracted by any other food and leads them to the ramyun. He looks over all the ramyun cups to see wich is the cheapest. "looks like we'll have to buy these, wich are nine hundred and fifty. That means ten cups will be nine thousand five hundred won" (that's 6,30 euros) they take the cups and pay for them. "have a nice day." the woman cheerfully says as they walk out. "I wish we could be that cheerful. Not having much worries for at least one day." Hayoung looks at Hakmin. "in sure that if we become more popular that we'll have that at least a little."

They walk into there small dorm. Kangmin runs up to them. "your back! Please hurry and eat with us. The other hyungs are really hungry." Jihun hurrys into the kitchen and starts making the noodles. When there done he puts the noodles back in the cups and grabs the chopsticks. "come and eat!"

The 10 boys sit on the floor and eat there ramyun in silence. Kangmin is so hungry that he trows the full cup in his mouth. "slow down, you'll stomach will hurt if you eat to fast." Hayoung warns. "I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry since we only eat dinner and no lunch or breakfast." The others sigh. There manager will scold them if they eat something els then dinner. But Kangmin has to eat much because of his illness. Since he doesn't get the right amount he's sick almost every day. "we can either call it a day and go to sleep or we could dance practice." Taeseon puts his chopsticks down. "if we call it a day and go to bed we'll get scolded by the manager for not practicing hard enough." Hyunwoo hums with his mouth full and also puts his chopsticks down. "but if we practice we'll all collapse and wake up with a headache and pain in our backs and necks." a silance falls as the members who didn't finish yet continue eating. "I'm sorry to say but I'd rather practice and have pain in my neck and back and have a headache then getting scolded by the manager again." They all agree with Jisung. "let's go then." "Wait! I'm not done yet!" " Hakmin whines and he stuffs his mouth with the last bit of ramyun from his cup. Kangmin trows the cups away and washes the chopsticks putting them back in the drawer where they always are. "let's go." they grab there jackets, that are way to thin for this cold, and head out to the practice room wich is a few streets away.

Wooyeop opens the door from the practice room letting the others in. Siwoo turns on the lights. It takes a while put the room is lid up by the ceiling lights. The jackets are put on one pile so the boys can practise. "do we have to go over everything?" Jihun shrugs. "maybe it's the best to do so." Hohyeon mumbles as he searches the songs up on the computer. Most people would connect there phone to the speaker but there phones where takes away by the manager. "oke, got it! Let's go." they follow the songs rythem. And that goes on for four hours. It's 10 in the evening and they haven't finished yet because of little mistakes. Jihun sighs as he does his best to follow the rhythm of the song. Before there eyes Kangmin collapses onto the floor. "Kangmin, are you oke?" Hayoung kneels at the maknae. His eyes widen and are suddenly filled with fear. "his breathing. It's going slower." they look at each other in fear. The young boy slowly turns pale. "we have to get him to the hospital! To the manager!"

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