💜Lee Jong Suk ⚠️ From Hate To Respect ⚠️

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Kpop/kdrama actor/Cpop/cdrama actor/jpop/Jpop actor
Actor: Lee Jong suk
Plot: during his military service he stugles a lot. No one really likes him and his personal problems bother his all the time. He just needs someone to talk to. But no one wants to. Everything remind him of his old horrible school time.

A/n: By this I wanted to let know that it is aloud to make a request with an actor. So if you want to make a request with an actor you can.

Warning: if anything about the military training isn't right please don't be mad. I don't know much about it.

Ever since I enlisted I feel like I'm worthless. Our coach doesn't like me and neither do the others in my group. I only greeted them and one of them pushed me over. I wanted to talk to the upper boss, as I like to call him, but the coach said I wasn't aloud to and that he wouldn't even want to see me. But I know it's not true. The upper boss is a good-hearted person. I just wish he would place me over to a different group.

But right now it's training time. I hate training time. I always get hurt. Yesterday someone trew a fire stick that we had to use during the training. It landed exactly into my shoe. I almost fainted because of the pain. Yes, I am a sensitive person. Even though it doesn't always seem like it. As I walk onto the training field I hear others talk. Talking about me. My name is heard obviously. At this moment I really want to go home,but I can't.

The coach walks onto the field and looks at everyone. "like everyday I'll pick someone to go first." I sigh. It's always me who has to do it first. "Lee Jong suk, you go first." called it. I walk up to the training course. "first, you got to climb up the pole and walk over the piles till the other side." I follow the coach's words but trip over the last pole. As I catch myself the coach sighs.

"next is to crawl under a fence. It's sharp so wach out." slowly I crawl underneath the fence. I did roll up my sleeves before so now I regret it. As I finish I look at my lower arm(under my elbows) to see that on both sides are bleeding scratches. Just great.

"almost lastly we have the hot sand. This is important to practice running in sand." so there's no reason the sand is hot? Oke I guess. I try to run over the sand but trip again. The burning sand stings in the open wounds making me hiss. I reach the end trying to catch my breath for the last thing.

" lastly you have to swim to the end, but make sure you can't be able to be seen easily." without hasitating I jump in. The water is freezing cold and my wounds start to sting even more. I reach the end and climb out. "great. Now do it again with the others." and yes, everyday is like this.

This time everything does fine but the fence part again. Not only did I make the wounds deeper on my arms, I also hit my head on the sharp point of the fence above me. As I climb out of the water one of the others pushes me back in.

"that's it for the morning. I'll see you before lunch." the coach leaves the field and everyone goes back to the hangars where our sleeping places are. Most of them decide to take a shower leaving me with 2 others. I sit down on my bed and try to clean the wounds on my arms. As I look up my eyes widen. One of the guys who is with me is dead. Murdered by the other.

But he acts innocent and calls for the coach. "sir! I saw Lee Jong Suk stab Park Min Dae!" he yells. In shock I hit my head against my bed. "I didn't sir, I was only cleaning m-" "oke then. Lee Jong Suk,your not aloud to train anymore. Instead you'll be our server and cleaner till your military service is supposed to end." I sigh and stand up. As I take my stuff and the coach leaves he laughs evily at me.

Since it's almost lunch I need to make food for everyone. I cleaned the hangar and I had to clean the body of the dead person. Exactly when I finish they return for lunch. I take a little bit and flee to a dark corner where no one can see me. Even though I'm not hungry I fore the food into my mouth. Its almost like how everything went at school. I was bullied, sexual harassed and blamed of murder. As I try to put more food in my mouth someone walks up to me and stops infront of me. I look up in fear

The upper boss

"why are you wearing that? And sitting here?" he asks as he helps me up. "they said I killed own of them so I need to replace the worker and they hate me so." he frowns. "who did it then?" I points at the male who did it. "oke then. I'll replace you to a difrent group and make sure he will get arrested." as I freeze from shock he walks away to talk to the coach. He points at the guy and the coach shakes his head. The upper boss and the coach walks to the office where the security cameras can be checked.

When he returns he smiles at me." come with me." he takes me to a different hangar. My eyes widen. He keeps his group here. (Yes he also helps with training. But only the lucky ones can be in his group.) he leads me in and to a room with one bed empty . (a room has 4 sleeping places since there bunk beds and they place there bag on the bed to show that they sleep there. It's weird i know) I hesitate but place my bag on the bottom bed. He carefully puls me along. "everyone, we got someone new to train with us. Don't be shy, introduce yourself." I look over everyone. The group is a lot bigger. "my name is Lee Jong Suk. I'm actor officialy." a small guy rushes up to me. "your sleeves are covered in blood. What happend?" I look at my sleeves. "oh, the wounds from this morning." I mumble. He carefully puts up my sleeves. "we should clean it. It will start to infect." he says and runs off to get something.

He returns with the medical kit. "It probably will hurt a little." he says and he makes me sit down. As he opens the box he gets out a bandage and a kind of liquid. He puts it on the wounds and it starts to sting again. I bite my lip and before I realize he already but a bandage on it. "done." I thank him and he smiles.

And so everything went from horrible to nice


Heyo ^^
I know you might not know but.....
Kkssi0901 how is it?

For Seungmins_Left_Cheek

Since I said I would show the photo card I got

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Since I said I would show the photo card I got. So I thought that was it. The I fastly looked trough the album photo and found another

Im really happy with it even thought the package that was around the album (the special case) has a scratch and the photo album has a little scratch too

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Im really happy with it even thought the package that was around the album (the special case) has a scratch and the photo album has a little scratch too.

Any way thank you all for 3 k reads and 104 votes. I never expected this book to be popular so ^^

Have a nice day/night

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