💙ZICO + Mino⚠️ Past Is The Past, Right?⚠️

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(if you wonder why the cap is blancked. The picture is perfect but I don't like the middle finger on the cap so.... Yeah)
For my Dumpling Kkssi0901
Ship:Zino. Confident Mino
Persons: Zico(Block B) Mino(Winner)
Plot:as trainees Zico started hating Mino for taking his spot as number one trainee. First he bullied Mino aloy and Mino started really hating Zico. A few years later, a lot has happened, and Zico knows he has feelings for Mino, but does Mino feel the same?

He could still remember the anger when it was announced. The new trainee was officially the best of them all. Jiho never felt so mad before, and he had been mad before, tons of times. Right when he wanted to go to the studio to calm down he bumped into someone. Song Mino.

He grabbed him at the collar of his shirt. "listen, you better stay away from me. And I'll get my title back, I guarantee that." he let go off him and walked away. A strange feeling was swirming in his stomach. The feeling of wanting to go back, say sorry and do anything so he expects it. Be Jiho didn't, he just entered the studio.

A week later Jiho was sitting at one of the benches in the lunch room. He wasn't even aloud to eat because according to the managers he was to heavy. His eyes fell on Mino, who was just eating and talking to some other trainees. Next to him was a snow globe. Jiho stood up, walked over to that table and smacked the snow globe off the table.

"Idiot! I worked on that in my free time!" he got a harsh smack from Mino, which brought flashbacks. The manager walked up to Jiho and pulled him along. More flashbacks, it almost made him cry.

"Woo Jiho." He looked down at his sneakers "breaking things from others is not aloud! Do you want to be sent home?" he looked up with fear. "N-no sir,I'll try better my best!" he screamed so loud the other trainees could hear it. 'sending him home would be best. Then he won't hurt or bullie me anymore' Mino though and smiled evilly.

Of course as trainee when you do something bad you get punishments. Jiho felt sorry, and he meant it. But how could he make it right. It was almost valentines day at that time but he decided to buy chocolates and remake the snow globe with a sorry letter. In his free time he went to buy chocolates even though it was a heart box he just hoped Mino would expect his sorry. He had buyed all things to remake the snowglobe and bought a few glitter pens and a pretty blue paper with little diamonds on it.

"shoot. I only have 2000 won left. I spent too much." (that's about 1,48 euros. And 1,59 US dollars)

All his free time he had he spent on making three snow globe. The manager walked up to him seeing him struggling with making little buildings out of stone and other material. The buildings where buildings that are in Yongin, Mino's hometown. "what are you doing? You have free time, you should head out to do something." Jiho didn't react and placed a roof he was working on on a little farm. The manager shook his head and left.

Later Jiho was sitting at lunch, still making the buildings. The glass bowl for on top was laying on the table next to him. He wasn't focused and was carving the window. Someone walked up to the table, picked up the glass and trew it on the floor. "No!" Then the person grabbed the little bag with the fake snow in it, ripped it open and trew it everywhere. "please! Stop!" Jiho was now crying. He looked into the person's eyes. Mino. "it's what you deserve!" he trew the little building that was done on the floor, making it brake into pieces. Then he left. The manager, who didn't see Mino broke it, walked up to Jiho. "stop breaking things. Now clean it up." Jiho had tears in his eyes,but it wasn't that visible. "bu-" "don't talk back! Clean it or els you'll get a punishment!" he walked away leaving Jiho behind. Other trainee's whisperd things to each other and looked at him in dicust, if the number 1 trainee hates him he must be bad, is what they all thought. Jiho kneeled down on the floor and picked up the pieces of the little building, putting it on the building. Another trainee, who bullied everyone but Mino, saw Jiho kneeled on the floor and softly walked up to him.

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