Preferance #1

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[I would appreciate if you guys went and checked out my Ezio fanfiction]

How You Two Met

Altair: you were just an everyday girl living an ordinary life. You worked in a book store selling ancient historical books. But one day your somewhat good friend Malik comes in, but bringing someone along with him. I can tell he's an assassin by his garments, but they look very prestige so he must be important.

"Hey Malik, can I help you?"

"Kind of. This is my friend Altair Ibn'la'ahad, and I would appreciate it if you aided him in a mission." I watched Malik leave, leaving me alone with the assassin named Altair.

"Hi I'm Y/n." I held out my hand. He removed his hood and just stared at me.

"I'll come and get you tomorrow morning." And on that note he left.


Ezio: being a student of Leonardo's proved to be quite rewarding- at times... But when a strangely cladded man walked in, I got curious.

"Leonardo, do you have any more codex's?" He asked aloud walking in.

"Uh he's not here but can I help you?"

The man looked surprised to see me, probably because I was a girl. He removed the hood, showing his very attractive features.

"Ezio Auditore." He smiled holding out his hand.



Edward: being a female pirate was everything but easy. Alcohol and obnoxious men everywhere trying to get in my pants. That really got to me, so being stuck sitting in a bar really struck me fancy. Haha no.

"Hey Y/n, I've been waiting for you to except my offer to sail with me." I looked over at Thatch.

"Oh bug off."

"Come on, I don't see why you wouldn't except. Sailing with me-"

"Doesn't sound fun at all. Leave the lass alone. I assume she'd rather come sail on the Jackdaw." Sketchy hooded man, that from the features I could see was very attractive... "Let's head out and talk." He placed an arm around my shoulder and lead me out of the joint.

"The names Y/n..."

"Captain Edward Kenway. And I've heard all about your abilities, so why not come sail with me." Having heard all about this man in the past, how could I say no.

"Don't see why not."


Connor: this is quite a predicament I've found myself in. Being young and semi rich, those imbeciles of redcoats just won't leave me alone!

"Let go of me!" I was shocked at what came next.


I watched as all three red coats were taken to the ground, unmoving.

"Are you alright?" A man wearing a hood with lots of weapons stood there in front of me.

"Uh- well I think so... Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"I'm Y/n."


"Well Connor, I hope to see you soon!"


Arno: it was a fairly stormy day here in Paris, and I was soaked. It was even worse seeing as all you could hear and see was people fighting. I wish we weren't in the middle of a revolution here.

"Excuse me miss?" I felt my shoulder being grabbed.

"Huh?" A strange hooded figure with a lot of weapons stood by me.

"I think you should leave the area as quick as you can."

"Okay I will- thank you-"

"Arno. My names Arno."

"I'm Y/n."

"Well Y/n, I hope to see you soon, and stay safe."

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