The Fallen

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Hello!! This is my first fanfiction. Please tell me if I misspell a name. I don't own anything related to Fullmetal Alchemist. I kinda wish I did though. Anyways this story I going to have some romance, so make sure you like that kind of stuff. And the picture above is Subarashi.


3rd POV

"Trisha!! Someone has collapsed in the doorway," The golden-haired man exclaimed. Thunder boomed from the nearby clouds as rain pour heavily down on to the house. What lied ahead was a severely damaged little girl. Missing two legs, an arm, and some parts of her face, she still whispered, "Please help me..."


Faces crowded Subarashi as she opened her eyes. Her eyes widened as she recollected the memories from the past day.

"Where am I?" Hohenheim and Trisha were well beyond happy to know she was alright. Two hands appeared above her face.

"My arm is replaced." She checked for her legs. They were successfully recovered. She grinned.

"Let's talk about this outside, ok?"
Hohenheim seemed nervous about talking to her. She walked outside and met up with him.

"Did you do human transmutation?" His words were straight forward. Subarashi nodded. Hohenheim pinched the bridge of his nose. He seemed annoyed at the density of the girl.

"You can't just be doing human transmutation. One day you will lose something that is too precious." Hohenheim attempted to convince the girl to give up on it.

"I'm not trying to do it successfully. I am trying to find the loop hole." Subarashi was a trickster of some sorts. She believed there was another way to do something.

"What would your family think of you doing this?" Hohenheim hit a sour spot. The playful girl's face turned dark.

"You never answered me question. How did you fix my body?" Her voice held a firm tone. She clenched her new metal arm threatening him.

"I used a philosopher's stone, but I couldn't replace all your limbs. That would be insulting Truth." Hohenheim answered calmly. Subarashi debated whether he was lying or not.

"I'll believe you. Anyways, can I stay here for a little bit? I got to some errands and then I'll leave." She tried not to sound like a hitchhiker. Hohenheim sighed and nodded. Subarashi grinned widely and ran inside to play with Edward and Alphonse.

"I worry for her sake." Trisha walked up behind. They both knew the troubles when one doesn't know the true costs of the taboo.

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