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Narrator POV

Subarashi held the boy close to herself. The woman cried for her son.

"Take me instead!" Subarashi snickered. The boy was crying.

"And what did you say when I asked you if I could borrow some money?" Earlier, the woman refused to donate money to Subarashi. The woman pleaded for the life of her son.

"I guess it's too late now. A knife slashed and blood squirted onto her face. She grinned.

"Now look what you made me do. I could have used his life. Anyways, it's your turn, now." A red flashing light appeared and the empty shell of the woman lie in the alley. Subarashi juggled her stones.

"This is kinda fun." She cleaned her blood stained face. The cloth was tossed to the side of the bodies.



Unknown POV

Should I go say? What just happened? Maybe I should escape before she finds me...

"Oh hello!" Her face dropped in front of me. What's happening? I'm scared.

"So you saw that. Oops." She grinned. I scrambled to the corner. Fear enveloped me as she came closer and closer.

"I don't want anyone telling, right?" She walked closer. Her hand clenched the now dripping knife. I couldn't call for help. No one there to help.

"Would you like to contribute to my collection?" She asked. Her voice had a sickly tone to it. She came closer and closer to me.

"I won't tell anyone!" I begged for mercy. Tears ran down my cheeks. She clicked her tongue and thought for a second.

"Are you sure you won't?" She squinted her huge eyes at me. Fear began to envelope me more than before. Words couldn't leave my mouth.

"But I do need you... I know!" She took out one of those weird stones. Is she going to.......

Sorry for the cliffhanger and sorry for the wait. Homework and life has taken me from my stories. Btw this is kinda filler too so I will get better. Anyways, prepare for better stuff and the story will finish in 10 more chapters or something like that.

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