Pain and Guilt

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3rd POV

Subarashi ran back to the house she remembered as a child. it has only been around five years since she left. "Hey guys!! I'm back." Her voice rang through the empty halls. While scouting around for the family that took her in, she spotted golden hair outside.

"Hey Ed! Hey Al! Hey Win-" That's all that left her mouth as she spotted the body in front of them. They were in the middle of burying Trisha, the only mother figure in her life. Tears welled up in her eyes as she walked closer up towards them. That night was a silent one.

Subarashi kept feeling like it was her fault. Her work on human transmutation could have saved Trisha if she was only better at alchemy. She had kept the boys company over the days, but she was eager to continue her work.

"Hey guys, I was wondering what you are always up to? Since you're always reading a book or locked up in Mr. Hohenheim's room." Edward tensed up at the sound of his father's name.

"We are just a bit interested in alchemy." Edward lied smoothly. Subarashi's intense violet eyes squinted at him. Alphonse left a nervous glance at Ed.

Subarashi had violet eyes and bright blue hair. She was much taller than Ed and Al. She was a couple years older than Ed leaving her at 14.

"Hmm. Well if you need any help, I can h- I mean I can give a library card." The neon colored hair girl immediately caught herself from revealing her position. Now this time it was Edward staring intensely at Subarashi. She took a sip of milk and glared at Ed.

"You know you won't get any bigger if you don't drink milk." She sighed as the golden haired boy starting ranting about how he was not a midget.

"Technically milk doesn't help you grow. Instead it keeps your bones healthy, so you don't start to shrink." She explained to Ed and Al.

"Ah hah, I told you I didn't need to drink it!!" Edward started to run around yelling this. Al had face palmed and looked at Subarashi for help.

"Well you also need the right genes to grow and you can start to shrink, Ed." Edward stopped abruptly and thought about it. He started to pout.

"I'm still not going to drink it." He face didn't change one bit.

"Suit yourself. I need to go do some research, so I'm probably leaving either tomorrow or the next day." Subarashi looked off into the sunset as she wondered how the two boys would grow up to be. Winry walked out and joined the conversation about drinking milk. Soon everybody left to sleep.

"Ah I hope Hohenheim is well. I better get going. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm not here, Ed." The blue haired girl stared off into the night sky where each star could be seen. Even her biggest hope couldn't be made that night.
I am going to update every couple days or something like that. I might start a Naruto fanfiction later.

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