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Subarashi POV

"Tch. Those amateurs." I walked back to Colonel Mustang. He was busy doing all the paperwork stuff. Arrgh. This job is even more boring than I thought. I'm going right to the Führer and making him...

"Subarashi, Colonel Mustang would like to speak to you later." Did I get fired already? I guess it doesn't matter. Picture a couple of hours of me just sitting there. Boring. After that, I was sat down to be talked to. Gulp. There's goes my apartment and my new stuff.

"We've decided to accept your request." I stared dumbfounded. What the hell. How? What? When? My mouth was probably open. They gave me the watch thing and nickname. I am officially the Trap Alchemist. My expertise in trapping people must have had an effect. Now I don't have to be an office person!! Now lemme get back to that research. Yes.

"Just make sure to report your research every year." Arrgh I have to do some legal stuff too. Maybe I'll just go and steal something from Ed. Haha yes. He would be disappointed in me, if he knew what I was really doing. Researching on philosopher's stone? Tch. He and Al are too innocent, but since they are my little brothers, I won't include them into my nonsense. Ah I better move on to the next city. Unless I want Envy and Lust coming back for me.


My wonderful cliffhangers!! Sorry for the long wait. I had writers block, but now I don't. :D

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