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Subarashi has seemed to get a bit darker. She's lost the sparkle in her eye. She used to be so happy and joyful. Maybe Al knows why.

"Hey brother, why doesn't Big Sister have that glint?" Al looked down on me (I'm not short) and answered.

"She's hiding something. I don't know what though." We used our big brains and thought. Maybe she got herself arrested. She's done that once. Back to the philosophers stone, we still can't find it. Maybe we'll get some information from Colonel Mustang. He's totally gonna mess with me about everything. Oh didn't see you there, Fullmetal! Oh have you found anything? We keep funding you when you got nothing. I just want to punch him sometimes.

"Brother, we're here." We walked inside to his office. He was doing the usual boring stuff. His office was really messy.

"Oi Fullmetal, how's your research?" Mustang said. Oh he's gonna get me mad.

"Not good. We had a lead, but it wasn't real." We were so close but that stupid guy had a fake one. Tch.

"I have someone who studies life science. Just so you have more options." I looked up. He actually going to help us.

"Are you just helping us because we got that guy beat up?" He shrugged his shoulders. Guess that wasn't a favor. He handed us a paper with the address on it. And some escorts. Ooh we're special since the Scar thing.


Subarashi POV

First it was those guys, now it's some guy with a scar? Now what do these people want with me.

"You Alchemists are plaguing the world. You must die and rejoin the creator." He kept babbling about God. He obviously means Truth. Ah if he actually met Truth, he wouldn't be saying this. I use alchemy to research, I technically don't kill with it.

"And why should I die?" I took out my baggy with hair. 3..2..1..POW!
Now I got a sword. He's got some writing on his arm. It looks cool. Maybe I'll dissect his arm afterwards to see what's up with it.

"Now die in the hands of God!" He lunged toward me and crushed the rock next to me. So that arm of his only does the destroying part of alchemy. That's cool.

"Cool arm you got there. Can I have it?" I smiled at him. It really was cool. I'll just copy it onto my arm. Having no arm is a big no no when you're doing what's he's doing.

"I mean can I copy the stuff off your arm?" While I was talking to him, we were fighting. I kept slashing at him but he would destroy the sword, so I just put it back and made one out of stone. I wasn't wasting my sword on him. It was hard to keep him from touching me since he was really tall. After a while, he got a hold of me. It was my left arm that I usually have doing something. Since I was concentrating on fighting, I couldn't keep my arms out of range. He held onto it and pain threw up my arm. Blood dripped down from my arm. Half of it was completely gone.

"Ouch. I'm losing too much blood so see you later." I sprinted off into an even darker alley and took it out. Ahh this baby kept me alive, but I was trying to fill it up. A red light came from my hand. My wounds faded away. Mhhm, now I need to go hunting.

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