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Subarashi POV

I arrived in Central to apply and whatever. It's kinda like saying, Hey you own me now. Tell me what to do. Some of the other dogs of the military look really weird.

"Why are you here?" Some person asked me. I didn't even look up to him. I was still trying to tell what the hell was on this paper. I couldn't find where the auditions were.

"Oh hey. Where's the audition thing at?" I finally asked someone. It wasn't something I like to do.

"Down the hall." Big mustache you got there. Blonde, big mustache is a weird combo. I walked downwards and got there.
A bunch of important looking men stared down on me when I walked in. It was kinda intimidating to see this many people. I'm not a big people person.

"We looked at your applications. You seem promising, so we will hold a viewing, so we can see your alchemy skills." Their sudden words spooked me. Well here goes nothing.

"Alright. Just don't be that disappointed." I took out a plastic bag filled with hair. Creepy, right? I took it out and "used" an alchemy circle. Don't want to let them know. I made my usual sword. I took some dye and changed it to blue. I don't want a whitish yellow sword. Ewww. Everybody was gaping at me. I guess they don't have that many people researching on life science.

"What kind of alchemy is that?" Random guy asked me. I shrugged. I don't know the technical terms for these things. All it is is trial and error.

"I guess you are accepted in." Yay! I get some income and a job and money. Oh the things I could buy.

"But you will have to work in the offices." I frowned. This is going to be the worst! Who likes working with a bunch of people that sit at a desk? Let's get some party started in there...

"You'll start tomorrow." Not even one happy day with money.


I walked to the front offices. Apparently I need some uniform. They handed me a blue trench coat thing. Yay! *sarcastic* I was also told where I'm working. Down a couple halls to the right. I walked in to see one girl and a bunch of guys. One of them had gloves.

"Umm, hi?" They all awkwardly stared at me. Whale this is going to be great day. I explained to them that I'm working with them now and stuff like that. Boring stuff.

"Hi. I'm Riza Hawkeye." Girl=Hawkeye. Got it.

"I'm Roy Mustang."
Boy with gloves=Mustang

The list kept going on. I only remembered those two since one was a girl and the other an alchemist. These guys need name tags or something.

"Umm, so what do I do?" They never really told me what my "mission" was or what other crap they do in offices.

"We just do paperwork and take in stuff that happens." Great. Paperwork is just great for my hyperactive mind. Let's see where I'll work... In the corner! I walked over and take a desk. Maybe I can doodle without them noticing. ^w^

"Are you almost done? We got several stacks over here." Riza was breathing down my neck. *shiver* She gives me the creeps since her stare is so starey. I dunno else how to describe it. Occasionally, people came in to talk to Mustang.

-------A couple days later-------

Finally, a mission was asked. I was starting to chew on my pencil which is never a good thing. I looked professional driving over to the place, but then...

"Looks like Fullmetal made it before us." That son of a bitch just made me mad. Can I go and just... Calm down. Its just a mission. At least he was just a little kid. A short kid.



I'm sorry if it's late. It's because I am behind on homework and everything else. So sorry!!!

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