Learning Through Mistakes

464 22 4

3rd POV

Even after experiencing the horrors of it, seeing her brothers like this pained her. At first, she slapped them both. Then she started to cry.

"Why did you do this to yourselves?" Sobs interrupted her midway. She hugged both of them telling them she was sorry. Both of them gave each other a confused glance.

"I should have been there to help you. I could have prevented this..."
Subarashi rambled on.

"I'm sorry. I thought I could work it out." Edward squeaked out. Anger filled her up, "You thought you could do this? I myself have tried this several times. And where have I gone in life? If I was better at this, I could prevented your mom's death." Tears ran down her face as she sobbed into Al's armor. Again, she slapped them and left them outside to think it out.

"Brother, I think she might be mad at us." Al later told his brother. Edward nodded in reply. He couldn't hope but let his mind wander about that one part of Subarashi doing human transmutation.

"Al, I think we should ask Subarashi some questions later." He slowly rolled back inside the house, wondering when his arm and leg be ready.

------------------------------------Please look at this author's note.
I'm going to update every couple days because I have school and I am working on another fanfiction. So bye then.


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