Philosopher's Stone

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Subarashi POV

5 years have passed since I last seen Ed. I keep wondering if he's doing alright. I walked upwards towards my childhood house and slowly knocked. Winry answered the door in her usual clothes.

"Hey Winry. I need a tune up for my arm. Its been getting small." I compared my two arm's length.

"I'll get Granny to see if she can help." Winry ran inside the house and I followed her. The house stayed the same. Even all the pictures of everybody as little kids.
I now know what's it like to feel old. I think I'm about years old 19 now. It's kinda sad how I don't even remember my age.

"Oh hello Subarashi. Need me to fix up your arm?" Granny led me to their work station. Automail was scattered everywhere. It was like a game of hopscotch trying to get across. The usual happened where I took off my jacket and shirt. My face always goes really red when I need a tune up. I have never been comfortable with taking my shirt off in front of people.

Winry and Granny took the screws that kept my arm in and took the arm off. Pain shot up my arm. Blood came from my mouth. I must have bitten my tongue.

"Damnit." I quickly muttered. Swearing off wasn't really what I did, but that hurt like hell. I was given my substitution arm.

My other arm gripped the metal part of the bed as hard as I could. Connecting the nerves hurt a lot more than I remembered. I should really come back on regularly schedule.

"All done. Now you can pay up.". Stared at Winry. I don't have enough money to pay for this. I gave her what I have and only kept enough money for my train. I guess I have no choice, but to become a state alchemist. Ugh stupid government officials.

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