
It has always been important to me, although I always thought there were exactly two meanings to that word, what it meant in my life and well, fashion. But mostly I thought keeping fit was always to keep me alive for a minute longer... Now, I believe a part of me didn't want to just hand my life over to the clutches of my birth defect. I wanted to at least, look good... Look healthy... You know, anything to make sure no one pities me. Birth defect? You're probably wondering... Well, I call it a birth defect despite the fact that everyone is hell bent on calling it an illness. I was born with a weak heart and circulatory system that caused so many other allergies and health complications. 

And yeah, you're probably shocked... Asking yourself, "How is he able to keep fit with a weak heart..." Well I'll tell you... 


It's a feeling you get when something out of the blue or something out of the ordinary happens. Yes, I've got a weak heart that needs to get stronger... You don't relax and let your oppressor take you down... You get up and then you fight. I stay fit to maintain a proper health balance. I don't do vigorous exercises, I only do little exercises to just relax and stay strong, fight the weakness by it's weakness, strength

And I know if you don't know me personally, there's a question bugging your mind right now. You're probably wondering, "Why don't you just go to the hospital? Stay until you get better." Well, I've spent about half of my life in the hospital and I know almost every nurse or doctor going in and out of it. Going back home was advised by Doc, my second Mom "You have two Moms?" Oh well, I should explain... This brings me to why I think highschool is so cool and I'd choose forever in highschool over any day in the hospital. 


My second home... A place that never runs out of patients... Some have rare cases like mine, some who just go in and out for random check ups and some who just have to stay because they have no choice. Doc thought I needed a change of environment... A breath of fresh air... Although at that time I really didn't know how the four corners of my room provided that fresh air, but, it was way better than the blank white sterilized walls in the hospital... Although Doc had offered to get it decorated, but I wasn't really a fan of anything, so the white walls became my normal. The doctors became my only way to see the outside world, the cleaners became my friends, same with the beautiful Heather, my big baldy who shared my room with me sometimes... The only person who tried to teach me what friendship was supposed to mean. But she was more of a big sister to me, than a friend. 

Although, now I’ve realized the true meaning of friendship, when I made friends. 


I always knew friendship was one important factor in life. Although, since I never really did have a life, I never saw the need to have friends, cause I thought I was my own friend... But I was only deceiving myself... You can't live life alone forever, you will need friends at some point, eventually you’ll find some for yourself... They should always be there to have your back... Be your backbone, act as a shoulder to cry on, laugh with you, play video games and stay up all night watching movies and talking about random silly stuff. And I'm glad that I got to experience these things with my friends, I'm so glad I had friends who understood, knew when to not ask questions and gave me advice when I needed it. 

Friends to show me that life outside the four walls of my room was fun... To show me what fun truly meant. 


A concept that blends pretty well with happiness. I came to know true fun wasn't by just playing video games... It's by spending valuable time with friends, talking, laughing, getting to know each other... It's by understanding the meaning of true happiness, living in the moment and letting each and every one of them know by your smile that their time with you, is truly appreciated by you. It's by showing the world that you have people that can bring a smile to your face with one sentence... Taking pictures and sharing them to the world, through the internet. It’s being able to look back and be proud of a life well lived with the people you care about, giving people all over the world hope that they can also be happy, that they can also make a few changes and live much more happily. 

His First JulyWhere stories live. Discover now