"Yah! Shi-- I was then cut off from cursing when somebody coughed near us. I then immediately wore my mask because of corona virus issues.

"Haruto! Hyun Bin hyung, Seung Joo hyung!" Junkyu greeted the new comers and I immediately bit my lips as I was caught by my older brother with a guy in this coffee shop.

I almost forgot that The Black label is also a part of yg entertainment so there's such a high possibility that he'll come here.

"What are you doing here early in the morning?" my brother asked, his eyes looking at me with seriousness that I even wanted to just run away and hide. Seung Joon also known as Loren, though I call him Loren always because its what I grew up with.

"Oh, we're just having breakfast. She was just tired and wanted someone to talk to," Junkyu said to my brother but his eyes are still on me so I just stared at the person beside him to escape his gaze, but it was a wrong move because I met his eyes.

Haruto. The weird and aloof Japaneses guy that I met 5 years ago when we're literally kids and the same guy everybody is teasing me with now.

"Loren, don't go hard on your sister. She might be stressed out." Hyun Bin oppa said and I immediately smiled at him for saving me again.

Loren then let out a deep sigh before opening his arms, a sign he wanted a hug so I came to him and hugged him.

"Was it too hard for you?" he asked as he's pertaining to my trainee life, his voice is now softer than before, I then slowly nodded my head as an answer to his question.

Loren is my half brother. We have the same mother, but different fathers but we're really close. And I don't call him oppa because we lived in a country where calling our elders by their first name was just a casual thing to do.

Also, it was weird to call my older brothers the same endearment their fangirls call them.

"I also heard you were working part time when I asked your manager. I told you to stop it, right?" he asked in English but I just let out a deep sigh.

"I know but I have to work. I don't want to just go and use the money you guys give me! I want to stand on my own too!" I whined but he just smiled at me.

"You're still a baby, our baby. So if you don't want our two other brothers to find out about this, go and quit, okay dongsaeng?" he asked, teasing me by the way he called me his little sister.

"Whatever!" I shouted before telling Junkyu that we should go now.

"Wouldn't you greet Haruto?" he asked me but I just rolled my eyes before facing Haruto while cursing the traditional side of my brother that comes out when he teases me.

"Good morning," I greeted him with a small smile but I was shocked when he just look at me with that blank expression of his.

He just gave me a nod before taking a seat. I heard Hyun Bin oppa laughing and Loren just smiled at me before messing my hair, even Junkyu laughed but I glared at him so he stopped.

That weird guy!

• • •

My boss was just silent as I was explaining to him my reasons as to why I can't work for him anymore.

nothing near clarityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن