chapter 17

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a little bit of junkyu and byul's friendship cos why not :))

그냥 친구

It was the day after Junghwan's birthday, and I was shock when Junkyu told me to come to the secret café that we found last year.

Junkyu and I have a lot of similarities, and one of them is searching for hidden cafés, because we grew up in an environment where privacy isn't really in our world, so it's nice to find places like those in order for us to have peace of mind.

We started searching for them for about two years now, and it's fun. It's always fun as long as I'm with him.

After our short practice, I immediately asked our manager if I can go, to which she agreed because my other members also have other places to go. It's an early out for us today, but good thing our manager was nice enough to let us go.

I'm currently walking in the silent road of one of Seoul's streets, not afraid of being alone, because this place is very safe and it's just 4 in the afternoon.

Besides, this street is heavily guarded and only few people come to this street, because there aren't many sights to see.

But I don't know why I have this feeling as if someone's watching me, but of course, I just shrugged it off. It might just be me being paranoid over nothing.

When I reached the café, I immediately searched for him and smiled when I saw Junkyu waving at me. He's wearing a black mask, a black polo shirt that's tucked in his jeans.


Junkyu looks so handsome.

I immediately went to him, and he ruffled my hair. My breathing hitched as I felt his hand on my hair, but I just shrugged the feeling off.

"Long time no see, Kim Junkyu." I joked to which he snorted as a response.

"How are you? Did you injure yourself while I was away? Did someone bully you? Were your members nice to you? Is your Nari eonnie treating you well?" he asked all of a sudden, his questions flying one after another. Then his eyes widen when he saw my thumb with a bandaid on it.

"I knew it! Why do you have a cut on your thumb? I was away for just a week, then I come back with you being injured!" he scolded me. He's acting as if I was even in a serious accident, when in fact it's just a small scratch I got from trying to open a can of tuna while preparing food for my eonnies.

Eunkyung eonnie and Junkyu had the same reaction making me roll my eyes at their reactions.

I just smiled behind the black mask I'm wearing as I listen to him and his whines. Why is he even so handsome despite the mask covering half of his face?

And, he looks so manly in his get up. I never saw him in anything aside from those pink hoodie of his lately, so it's nice to see him in this clothes.

He looks like a model. An actor, even.

"You know what? I'm telling Haruto to also keep a close eye on you since you're both friends anyway!" he said, and when he mentioned that particular Japanese name, it made me come back to my senses.

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