chapter 26

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그가 돌아왔다

Cotton candy. That's what's inside my mind as I watch her hair that's flowing freely, it was an adorable sight to see. Even her face screams cuteness, well not until she opens her mouth.

"That's it you motherfucker! I'm not playing with you anymore, weak ass player. Eat my shit for all I care!" she screams over the one whom she's playing with over the phone. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know who she's playing with.

The reason why I'm with her today was because Junghwan didn't attend his classes today, since they were busy moving to a different dorm after some sasaengs invaded their dorm. It was a disaster, but I was glad they're all okay. Jeongwoo is also not present, while Eunkyung eonnie was in a meeting with her groupmates, she was even about to ditch them, but I told her that I'm okay and can handle myself really well.

But when I thought I would be a loner in the cafeteria, the pink haired girl came and sat with me. She didn't ask any permission, and just straight up sat infront of me and instead of eating, she just played a game in her phone. I didn't mind though, but it's just that, her mouth really needs to be cleansed.

"That's not very nice," I told her but regretted it immediately after I realized that I actually said that. Welp, I'm gonna die. She's one scary girl despite her being shorter than me. I feel like she can kill everybody in the cafeteria without even feeling any guilt.

"What's not nice?" she asked, before closing her phone and looked at me instead. Her chin resting on her hand that's on the table we're sharing right now. I looked down, avoiding eye contact because I'm really scared. What if she gets angry at me after what I said?

"Hey, I asked a question. I even stopped playing for you, might as well answer me." she ordered, but instead of hearing her usual bossy tone, I heard her talking softly. My eyes went wide after realizing it, but I didn't let my over dramatic self react too much, she might be just being patient with me, we never know when she's going to freaking lash out on me.

"I'm going to my class now. Goodbye!" I said and was about to stand up and leave her alone to save my petty ass, but as soon as I stood, she got a hold of my collar, pulling me towards her gently but firmly. I gasped, and was about to say something but immediately shut up when I saw how close we are.

"You're really pretty," she whispered before giving me a wink.

"Eh? Thank you, I guess?" I answered before giving her a small smile. But what shocked me more was when she made me sit beside her.

"Thanks for the macaroons, they tasted delicious." she said, trying to open up about a topic making me smile wider because I thought she forgot about me. Because I feel like I could never forget her. Who could even forget about Lee Aera? Everybody knows who she is in our school. She's like that popular hot chick in movies who doesn't give a damn about everything around her.

And I also heard that she's friends with Eunkyung eonnie too since they're both from the Music Department. And from what I heard, Aera is very intelligent. She might cause some trouble here and there, but the teachers can't just let her go since her intelligence in the music field is something our school is very proud of.

"No problem. It's me who should be thanking you," I said, but in a questioning manner since I didn't know how to address her. And I feel like she understood me because she chuckled at my puzzled expression.

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