chapter 31

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"Yah! Haruto!"

I looked at the tall guy in front of me angrily as he was giving me that playful smile of his. It was early in the morning, and he was already pestering me. All I wanted to do was have a peaceful morning inside the studio, but I was shocked to see him inside too. And believe me when I said that I did my best to get out of the studio, but what Haruto wants, Haruto gets.

He wanted me to stay in the studio, so I don't know how he did that, but yeah. I was now finally stuck in here with him.

And now, we've been having small arguments, that I just chose to ignore him, since if this continues, I wouldn't be able to do something. But then what I still ended up with him getting my notebook where I would usually write my song lyrics.

"Give me my notebook back," I ordered him, teeth gritted as I watched him look at me with that smirk of his. How I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face once I got my notebook.

"No, if I give this back, then you'll leave me."

I looked at him when he said those words before letting out a scoff. Where did he get that thought? Is he crazy?

"I'm not going anywhere, dumbass." I tried to reason out, as I'm now just looking at my fingers instead of him. Haruto lets out a deep breath, before finally letting go of my notebook and placing it on top of my hand. I looked at him, and just gave him a smile, and he did too before he gently pets my hair.

I wanted to ask him why he does this. And how we all started. It was like we were finally in the middle line of friendship and a little bit of romance ever since that hug happened back in our dorm. It was as if we're now playing near the fire, not too far but not too close to get hurt. It was like we knew we'd get hurt, so we're playing cautiously, in hopes of it not making the ending of this scene much more painful.

"What are you writing?" he asked, as he's now back to looking at the computer in front of him. I eyed him curiously, because from what I heard he's always with Asahi or Yoshi sunbaenim's studio whenever he wants to write something, so what is this boy doing here?

"Just some lyrics that my group can hopefully use someday," I answered him, before closing my notebook and just decided to watch him work.

Staring at him, I realized how handsome he really is. I would never deny how gorgeous he is. He by far is the most good looking guy I have ever met, it's actually crazy that someone so handsome, talented and kind hearted exists. Like, he's really God's favorite!

I watch how his eyes were trained to the computer's screen, he's actually wearing glasses that really suits him very well, he looks like a student with those glasses on. I rested my chin on my palm as I stared at him. He really looks handsome when he's serious with doing music. His hands were typing so fast, his long fingers doing all the work, and I must admit that his veiny hands are also attractive. Dang, why is everything about him so attractive? His side profile is also perfect.

"Quit staring, or else I'll melt."

His deep voice said that made me stop staring at him, before biting my lower lip, a habit I do whenever I get caught from doing something I shouldn't be doing. I can feel heat spreading through my cheeks because I just realized that Haruto caught me staring at him. So embarrassing!

"I'm not staring!" I pointed out, trying so much not to sound guilty, but terribly failed, as I glanced at him, but I could only fight back a squeal when Haruto smirked, before looking at me. I gulped, because the space between us was so close, our nose might actually touch if someone would move. My breathing hitched as I wait for what he's going to do next.

nothing near clarityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora