chapter 43

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chapter 43

It's been two months that the Japanese trainees are here, but to our shock the other three were asked by the company to fly back to Japan, while Kana was said to be left behind. I assumed that it was because Kana was chosen to be part of the final lineup too by the producers. I mean, the other trainees are pretty and talented too, but Kana has this aura around her that's telling other people to focus their attention on her, so it's no doubt that she'll be chosen among the other trainees.

But is aura really enough reason for her to be chosen despite her harsh personality towards other people? Mr. Yang didn't hesitate to eliminate Jia and the others after what they did, but after seeing Kana and how the other producers dote on her, I guess she wouldn't be treated that way.

"Why is she still here?" Eunkyung asked me while she's throwing daggers at Kana using her eyes. I feel a bit bad for the girl since she was only talking with Nari while warming up, so I told Eunkyung once again that she should be nice to Kana.

"Be nice to her, okay? She might be one of our members too." I explained, but Eunkyung only rolled her eyes before going out, making Mulan ran after her. I let out a sigh before deciding to warm up too. I know Eunkyung is pissed off, but she can't act like this all the time whenever Kana's around, especially now that it looks like she'll be the newest addition to the group.

"Nari?" I called for Nari, and I wasn't even shock anymore when I saw her looking, no, glaring at me. She has been acting so cold towards us ever since the Japanese trainees came, and as much as I wanted to ask her what the reason is, she wouldn't even talk to us. It's like she's slowly cutting off our friendship by acting as if she doesn't know us.

Instead of talking, I just shook my head before heading outside too. Hiraya tried to call for me, but I excused myself saying that I'm going to use the restroom. Things have been pretty bad ever since they arrived, and I wanted to lash out on Kana for making things uncomfortable, but that would only make me look like the bad guy.

Come to think of it, the Japanese trainees have been closer ever since the news of Mashiho sunbaenim leaving Treasure came out. They would always eat together, go out together, it's as if they built a wall around them just so the others wouldn't go near them when they're all hanging out. I didn't care at first, since it's their lives, but I couldn't help but miss that one japanese guy who started avoiding me lately.

Hiraya who is half Japanese like Nari was the only one who didn't change. She was still the same, in fact, she's the one who's relying any message we have to Nari who decided to ignore us for some unknown reason. But, I'm really glad Hiraya didn't ignore us like the others  since it actually hurts a bit.

I was quietly walking when I saw a familiar pink hair. Cotton candy? It can't be her. Impossible. Why would she come here anyway?

"Holy shit!"

"Cotton candy?"

No way. Aera really is here right now. She looks really pretty, as always. Her hair is in a ponytail so I had a full view of her small face. It almost looks like it's the size of my fist! If I didn't know her, I would really think that she's an idol and the visual of their group.

"Did you really just call me cotton candy a while ago?" she asked in a teasing manner, a smirk even made its way up her lips that had a freaking piercing on it! Aera really surprises me a lot. She's the opposite of the type of girl that I would normally encounter as a trainee. Oh well, the only girls I encounter most of the times are trainees who aren't allowed to do any thing on their bodies since that's in the contract. So Aera to me feels like a breathe of fresh air.

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