↳ the doctor falls #3

Start from the beginning

"Listen." The Doctor spoke firmly. "One of us has to stay down here and blow up a lot of silly tin men, and one of has to go up there and look after a lot of very scared people, day after day, for the rest of their lives, and keep them safe. Now the question is this, Nardole." He walked two steps closer to his friend. "Which one of us is stronger?"

The following pause felt charged with everyone's minds racing to crossroads, big life changing choice to be made right now. Lia's mind halted, like a movie's frame seconds before disaster hit, and she retuned to months ago when her body had been in a similar position back at Canassis Manor. One helper amongst tens, looking at men who thought of nothing but themselves. And here her eyes were fixed on someone who was willing to give up everything just so some humans would have a chance to live one day more.


"My condolences." Their leader nodded at his friend.

"I'm going to name a town after you." Nardole looked at him with mock anger, better that than they finding out he actually had feelings. "A really rubbish one."

"Oh, I'm counting on it."

"And probably a pig." He walked to where both girls had been weirdly silent, one seeing the other at their best mentally instead of these raggedy versions. "Young ladies, you're coming with me." They looked at each other in a way only best friends could. "No arguments. May I remind you I'm still empowered to kick your arse."

"You'd have to go back down there to that hospital and find it, then." Harsh but true words took his breath away.

"Look, Bill..."

"My arse got kicked a long time ago, and there's no going back." She told him in earnest before going to stand on the Doctor's left side. "All I've got left is returning the favour."

"You're going there too, aren't you?" He staged whispered to the remaining girl.

"Yeah." She tried to smile but it just looked watery.

"Can't you be persuaded to stay?"

Ophelia looked at him with love, remembering how they nearly hated each other not too long ago.

"No." Impulsively, her arms wrapped around his neck gently. His only stood frozen in shock. "Name a dog after me."

Just like it'd always been, both girls stood flanking their Doctor.

"Why are they allowed to explode?"

"Are you sure?" The time lord looked at Bill first, seeing her as she used to be: wide eyed and hopeful.

"You know I am."

"And what about you?" He turned to the right, where she always stood.

So many wild plans went through her mind: make a run for the TARDIS, try to hack into the collective Cyber mind to undermine them... None of them would be worth it if he wasn't there with her. What would be the point of unraveling the universe if the one who'd given it to you wasn't there? So instead of using words (because those would certainly fail), her left hand held his.

"I don't know what to say." In spite of himself, Nardole got emotional at seeing those who'd taught him how to care for people standing across from him. Even if less than two meters separated them, their paths would never cross again.

"You'll think of the right words later." Bill tried to comfort herself? Him? All of them?

"Doctor. Bill. Lia." He looked at the trio one last time, capturing every detail in his memory so they'd not be forgotten and turned to leave. Then turned back to tell them his final words. "You're wrong, you know. Quite wrong. I never will be able to find the words."

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