↳ the doctor falls #2

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It got increasingly harder to walk forward knowing each step meant being closer to their demise, after all one of them were dumb enough to think they'd make it out unscathed. Seeing both versions of whom Ophelia now knew to be a time lord originally known as Koschei hurt too. Some dumb idealistic part of her had hoped to keep Missy with them (it'd make their chances of success much higher), but that woman proved how beings were always going to stay true to their nature.

That wasn't saying there'd been no good parts to the time lady, just that they were overwhelmed by dark and bad. Also her past self being around must not be of any help either.

"You absolutely had to bring both girls, did you?" The time lady sneered at the approaching trio, not liking how they made her hearts twist.

"Girls?" Master addressed his female version. "One is a Cyberman now, the other..."

"Ah, yes." Both stared at each other before Missy looked down. "Sorry."

"Becoming a woman's one thing, but have you got empathy?"

The Doctor stood between both regenerations, his somewhat human companion putting on a scared expression (which wasn't hard) to justify being still attached to his arm.

"Where is it?" He demanded.

"Lift shaft?" She adopted a snappy tone with none of its usual underlying warmth. "Right here."

A column of blueish light shows up centered in their half oval formation after it got soniced.

"Hologram." Goatee (Master felt wrong) pointed out an obvious fact. "Mustn't ruin the pretty forest. It's a wonder more people don't turn to genocide."

"And the doors." Missy's sonic umbrella made them visible, exactly like they'd been on the bridge.

"This must be how we will evacuate the children." Ophelia said to her friend, very happy to pretend it was just them taking a stroll through the park. "There have to be more lifts, quite close I'd assume."

Following her thoughts, extremely happy that they'd gotten back into their dynamic, the Doctor walked forward a few steps to sonic two other doors into view. She stayed between both Koschei for some reason.

"We know Operation Exodus is ready." He warned them. "We can't hang around here."

Later on, Ophelia would recall the moment Missy soniced the call button as being what made everything go wrong even further.

"What the hell are you doing?" She turned to question, hair nearly whipping Goatee in his face. "You just called the lift!"

"Yeah, well, we're going to need them, aren't we?" She kept her sonic umbrella up defensively.

"The lift was downstairs and most likely not empty, Em." Em, her male version questioned.

The Doctor raced back to stand protectively in front of his companion, surprised at how she'd semi cursed. Ophelia Watson never cursed or abbreviated unless very comfortable or stressed.

"Stand aside." Cyber-Bill took tentative steps forward.

"Do as she says."

"Stand aside."

"Do as she says." The Master questioned his frenemie's orders in distaste, eyes squinting at his companion. "Is the future going to be all girl?"

"We can only hope." He responded easily. If the future looked like any of those he'd picked carefully, then it'd be a bright one.

Bill took her stand in front of the doors, and three sonic devices (plus one rather small knife) were readied behind her. This could very well be their deaths so she turned to her Doctor, who'd rescued her to give the universe as a gift, whom her heart loved dearly, to try and say something but all that came out was a half choked sob. His brows softened slightly, so proud of how far the girl he'd taken in had come, extremely sorry for all the things they'd left unsaid, then his lips curled into the tiniest of smiles. I know, he mouthed them turned back forward, grim determination matching in their faces.

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