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"What happened to him?" Bill's inquisitive voice sounded just as the Doctor placed Ophelia in his armchair

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"What happened to him?" Bill's inquisitive voice sounded just as the Doctor placed Ophelia in his armchair.

He usually preferred to give people a choice when it came to this life of gallivanting around time and space but it'd do her no good to be found guilty of an apparent crime.

"Time is a dangerous thing to meddle with without proper care." He maneuvered around his console while talking. "My best guess is that it simply lashed out, erasing whatever would be left in his stream."

"What about the other guy?" She draped a throw blanket that had mysteriously appeared on a handle over their new guest.

"If my memories are correct, which they probably aren't, I should be going to a very dangerous library soon. That or Donna will get us into diplomatic problems again."

The young woman hadn't missed how his eyes glazed over upon mentioning
her name, so she skipped over along what had happened to the ginger.

"Did you do this all the time?" The Doctor could be incredibly thick when he wanted to.

"Do what?" His voice had a somewhat fake nonchalance to it, Bill rolled her eyes very hard.

"Fly around sorting things out, like some kind of intergalactic policeman." Her eyes went to a stirring handmaiden. "Or is it more of a private investigation business?"

"I don't sort things out." More often than not his presence only served to further mess things up. "I'm definitely not a policeman or PI."

"Well, you live in a police box." Ophelia woke up and remained quietly watching them.

He had gone back for her. The Doctor saw in the girl something worthy saving and it brought forth tears, thinking she had succeeded.

"That's a pure coincidence." I'd say it's more carelessness than anything, a feminine voice sounded inside her brain. A light humming indicated the ship understood her gratitude.

Ophelia's body laid gently by a beautiful bookcase, filled with things she'd love to learn about (whatever they were). Freedom meant no one one would force any knowledge upon her, she could hardly wait to discover this universe.

"Yeah, of course." Bill was about to retort further when her eyes met their new guest's "You're up!"

Taking advantage of this distraction, the Doctor materialized the TARDIS back where it should be with its signature weeding sound, trying to make his mind up about a certain handmaiden. A brand new memory surfaced to show just what he ought to do.

"His time line ended that night, Coraline's went on for another seventy years until she died heralded as a pioneering woman." He looked over videos of the manor alight with party, spiky hair even messier than at the beginning of their night. They had decided to check for news once both changed back into normal outfits.

"And Ophelia?" Donna had taken a liking to their carmine clad friend.

"Time rewards her with freedom." His eyebrows rose with interest at a blog filled with pictures of her. "And a couple of great friends."

"Back at the exact moment we left." His voice cut through the silence. "The kettle's boiling, I've got a vault to guard, and everything is exactly as we left it. Well, except for the fact I'll now have to explain an entire extra person to Nardole but that's my problem."

"I get to stay?" She'd prayed to whatever god was out there to remain here. The Doctor rescued her and she'd be by his side in exchange, her heart already attached to this strange man.

"If you want to." He realized both his hearts wanted 'yes' as an answer. Without any reason, the time lord hoped for an emphatic agreement which was promptly given.

Bill smiled at them a little before opening the door, hoping to catch some sleep before work. She was rudely greeted by a gust of cold wind.

"Wasn't snowing when we left."

Both him and Ophelia walked up to the console but only his hands reached out to things, her mind hardly keeping up.

"Maybe I do need a steering wheel." He muttered while messing with a screen.

"Where are we?" Bill could only think about how she'd be late for work. Again.

"London." The Doctor answered her. "And this is the Thames."

All of them looked out in awe of the frozen river. The Thames was frozen solid, it's surface covered by a myriad of objects and people. An elephant trumpeted far away, a church bell signaled the time. It looked like a picture on one of several books Ophelia had used to tutor Coraline.

"Is this February 1814, the final Frost Fair?"

I wrote this entirely based on foggy memories so sorry in advance for messed up details.

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