↳ christmas at the manor #1

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"Doctor, time lord, no." He tried to reason for the millionth time.

"Donna, human, yes!" Her voice yelled back before climbing steps leading away from the control room. "I've already got a dress, we are going to this party."

They were going to this party. With too much in his pockets for the Doctor to consider changing coats, but he did exchange his usual pinstripes for an elegant black suit, complete with a matching bow tie. There was no arguing in general with Donna once an idea had formed, much less after a decision had been made, but the woman wasn't so fast getting ready, giving him extra time to scan their invitation, something about it intriguing.

"What do you have for me, girl?" The TARDIS hummed back as if saying be patient. "Sorry."

It took few minutes of that box involved by a sphere of light for an extensive list of details to show up with a ding! on the monitor, making him promptly stand up straight. Lines of information showed up, automatically translating to English.

"Originated from Earth, normal. Twentieth second century, interesting. How, and even better: why did it come to Donna?" And not me, he though the last bit while skipping over minor details about composition, this question bothering him more than all other characteristics. "Bioholographic snow, expensive but all things considered not surprising coming from them. Definitely not alien, bummer."

Donna Noble, you are invited to Christmas at the Manor.

It is an annual tradition to celebrate our years with the most important people in the universe and we couldn't do this year without you.

Your presence is a must and so is a plus one!

Scan the chip for coordinates on how to get here.

The Canassis Family

He had heard something about them once, though in all fairness a lot of things were registered by his brains over hundreds of years traveling universes. Still, what truly intrigued the time lord was why such a thing had reached Donna (and how they'd achieved it once a motive was set).

"I am ready for a party." The Chiswick native announced, making a scene out of entering the control room. "Free booze, rich people food..."

Emerald green truly fit her, such a color bringing out her eyes.

"Hopefully no giant alien wasps." Their last adventure had been quite eventful.

"Hopefully no aliens other than me this time."

Wishing for a nice Christmas party was extremely foolish given who they were, but still that's what the Doctor did with both his hearts while setting their course.


"Earth, twentieth second century." He announced with glee. "Humans finally reach the stars with greed, a bit like the eating mummies part of European history."

"People ate mummies?" Bill voice echoed disgust at the historical fact.

"There used to be so many, did you think someone just up and stole them?" Her facial expression was answer enough. "Well, actually someone did but that doesn't matter right now."

She made a disgusted face, his brains quickly conjured images from a long forgotten adventure which were all quickly dispersed by his company's voice:

"You're right. What matters is why I am in the middle of some random field instead of being at uni." A side glance was her only answer. "Unless this is the party I've been promised because you lost our bet."

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