↳ knock knock #2

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The TARDIS landed against one of those old fashioned walls, covered in greenery. All over that street other small places, just as vintage in appearance, held a bunch of friendly people. To their left Bill had already gone ahead to place one box by big iron gates, open in invitation to newcomers.

"Oh, I'll use the Tardis, take it all to your room." The Doctor offered, leaning on his ship, a yellow and white box in his arms.

"Firstly, I don't know which one my room is." She got a box from Ophelia to start a pile out of the spaceship. "And secondly, that's weird and I want to make a good impression." He ignored her going back inside in favor of putting down what he'd been carrying. "It's cool, I'll just, er, get everything out of the Tardis and then you can go. Thanks for the lift, though! Bye!"

Ignoring people didn't come out of rudeness most of the time, but there had to be something deeply wrong with this place. The Doctor's eyebrows furrowed over his eyes, something that only happened when something managed to confuse him deeply. In five days, precisely three essays had gotten this stare. Well, three essays and this creepy old house, specially its tower. Loud creaking reached them even outside. Ophelia's internal turmoil got pushed aside to focus on what would certainly go down today.

"That's your house?" He pointed over his shoulder while both girls looked at him in varying degrees of not understanding; one deeming him a little crazy, the other trying to figure out a game plan.

"Sharing, yeah." Such a big house must be terribly expensive. "Six of us, renting."

"I thought you were students?" Both of the TARDIS' permanent residents had similar trains of thought. How could they afford it?

"Yeah. I was like, what's the catch, but, actually, it's fine, just a bit draughty." Bill went to get more of her stuff, wanting to get this done with.

"Draughty?" He looked down briefly as more wood creaking reached them. Ophelia followed his gaze as it circled around before the Doctor wet his finger and tested nearly non existent breeze. The leaves on nearby trees were barely moving, her loose hair static.

"I meant draughty inside." Bill's voice caught their attention. How could it be so when there was no wind outside?

We're going to get in trouble, aren't we? Ophelia's eyes questioned him. Probably, his own answered, are you okay to stick around? Her answer came shaped as an overnight bag their ship had put together. I'll manage.

"Interesting." No one would have been able to stop whatever plan had just been put into motion. "I'll help you in."

"No, no, no. It's fine. You really don't have to. It's not..." The time lord had already gone a ways up to a propped open door, eager to figure out another mystery. He had fifty years of standing in one place to catch up on.

"Really not a problem." That teddy's face seemed to mock his owner.

"No, wait, honestly." Her friend just went to pick something up too, making use of being around. "Um, if you just er. If you just go and do history or whatever."

He had already disappeared from their sight.

"Come on, Bill." Both gazed up at the house. "Let's do damage control."

Usually meeting new people brought on a general sense of anxiety. Would they like you? Do we have something in common to talk about? What if there are no tv shows in common on our watch lists? All those questions would swirl until a vortex of doubt was created but Ophelia had not only been trained for that, she'd also spent years doing so for Britain's richest family. This girl could talk to anyone for hours on end.

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