↳ world enough and time #2

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chapter key:

normal text means in the colony ship
italicized text means flashbacks
italicized and underlined means emphasis


Someone was screaming.

"Doctor, this is a bad idea." Bill's hands were deep in her pockets while walking on his left side.

"No, it's a good idea. A test run." He affirmed, walking fast for someone carrying at least ten books.

Unusually nice for this time of the year, Bristol gleamed under gentle sunlight. Funnily enough none of the three were paying attention to such nice weather while discussing his latest crazy idea.

"I really don't think so." Ophelia interjected from behind her many books, both people who supposedly worked at Saint Luke's on their way to make some very generous donations to the library.

"She thinks she can be me. Let's try her out."

"Why?" The first girl asked, her friend busy greeting people walking by.

"She got us home from Mars." His point was valid, and they were all thankful for that but one moment didn't change every other one in Missy's life where she'd done questionable things.

In one moment of pure connection, both girls roled their eyes in sync behind his back, glad that he'd lead their way into the building because it meant not seeing their mocking expressions.

"She's a murderer." Bill took a bite from her sandwich. Where had that thing come from? Little crumbles trailed until the desired doorway.

"Enjoying your bacon sandwich?" He asked, opening the door for his assistant.


"Because it had a mummy and a daddy. Go tell a pig about your moral high ground."

His back remained against the door, heatedly staring at her.

"Could you both cut it out please?"

Was it her screaming? She didn't think her vocal cords could produce such a blood curling sound. But then again her throat did hurt.

There was a certain innocence about people sitting where they weren't supposed to. Bill'd always preferred floors, specially if it was covered in a fluffy carpet, but her best friend had developed fondness for cool countertops. On the days she actually had to work early, Ophelia would ditch her own job to come peel potatoes while sitting on the counter, Bill standing up to chip them before sticking the pieces into a bowl. It was usually their quiet moment together, to talk without looming danger, specially now that Bill's tuition had gone up so work hours were insane.

"I pick a scenario, we drop her down into it, and we see how she does."

Unfortunately, The Doctor joined them today. He just couldn't understand why they weren't as excited as he was about this.

"And how would that work?" Lia jumped down from her spot, grabbed a bowl of chipped potatoes and followed her friend to where they'd fry all those pieces.

"Ah." He answered excitedly. "We just take the Tardis for a spin and we graze for distress calls. We pick a good one." Around the large island they went to reach the fryer. "Our usual Saturday."

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