↳ the eaters of light #3

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"Lucius, stop it!"

Bill, who had been closer to the quarreling leaders, stepped between them to prevent further confusion.

"Are you their champion now?" The young girl looked surprised.

"There is no time for fighting!"

"We never wanted to fight." The girl's sword trembled with anger at Bill's peacemaking attempt. "We lived in peace, and then you came and laid waste to everything and everyone we loved." She stared down both people opposite her. "All you understand is war."

"No, he understands." Bill's body turned to the roman leader. "Don't you? Now he's wondering why."

"You speak Latin?" Lucius' question got met with further distrust.

"I don't."

"Neither do I. Not a word. And I don't speak whatever they speak either" The Bristol native assured them, walking among soldiers and Scottish before nodding at a silent alien. "It's him. It's you, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's me." He acquiesced.

"Something to do with the Tardis. A telepathic field, wasn't it, O?" She reveled in how her best friends beamed in spite of their predicament, pride showing in every bit of their body. "So now that we all understand each other, how do we all sound?"

This girl is going to take over the world someday. Ophelia wondered just how much they'd all changed in a short period of time, because a year was nothing when one could end up living forever.

"You sound like children." Lucius got a You sound like children too from his rival.

"You all do." The Doctor chimed in from his spot on the back, more than happy to watch his companion flourish in this impromptu leadership position while the other girl simply leaned against him, taking advantage of his body heat definitely not because she had missed him terribly.

"Is this what happens when you understand what everyone in the universe is saying?" Bill ignored every stare in favor of looking at him. "Everybody just sounds like children?"

"There are exceptions." His eyes accidentally met Nardole's, who mumbled out thank you very much over a mouthful of popcorn. "Not you. Okay, kids, pay attention. She slaughtered your legion. You slaughtered everything that she loves. Now, you all have a choice." He commanded attention from everyone, taking a few steps around much to Lia's displeasure. "You can carry on slaughtering each other till no one is left standing, or you grow the hell up!" Both leaders were astonished at the yell. "Because there's a new war now. I think these creatures are light-eating locusts, looking for rents and cracks between worlds to let themselves into dimensions of light."

Once they break through, they eat. They will eat the sun, and then they will eat the stars. And they will keep eating until there are no stars left. So, whose side are you on now? Because as far as I can see, there's only one side left. Ophelia's, and every other person's, eyes followed him with admiration. It couldn't be easy to always solve other people's problems, get attached to them but not be able to guarantee their safety. Yet, he soldiered on day after day. Given how many times her own life had been on the line, leave would be the wisest thing to do. Get dropped of in some planet to live out peacefully, become a minor deity or legend in enough years because that's what happened to immortals (which she'd be taking enough care to not suffer any major wounds).

"If it helps, I do have a plan." Then he smiled and where else could she go?

When they gathered to hear his plan, unlit torches in their hands, her body occupied it's usual place to his right.

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