↳ thin ice #4

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Sutcliffe House towered over them once their carriage stopped, given it wasn't too far away that seemed better than parking a blue box around. Bill stood to the left, amazed at how big everything seemed, those large stone steps reminding her of a museum back in New York City. Ophelia still hovered a little closer to the Doctor, knowing that his very presence invited trouble but also that his side was the safest place she could choose to be. A mansion was a familiar setting, she'd spent lifetimes in one so this would probably be a piece of cake.

"So." Bill's talking started to become very familiar to them. "This guy has a pet monster that turns people into fuel and we're just rocking up at his door?"

"That's his door. The Doctor straightened up. "This is us rocking."

Bells sounded loudly to announce their presence and footsteps could be heard coming towards the door.

"If we're going to stop him, we need to know where he started." Ophelia's mind quickly reversed back to F-One, making sure every detail in her own outfit looked perfect.

"Meaning?" Bill asked while refolding her lapels.

"Which planet." He said, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing that their fishy friend was indeed alien.

"Which planet?"

Bill's question hung around them when a butler opened the door. He looked scary with white hair, high cheekbones and a thin nose but he made an effort to look pleasant when a small piece of psychic paper got within his eye sight.


If every room they were taken to looked like this one, none of them would mind it very much. It was a fair sized office, with flowered walls and filled with interesting things. Ophelia looked around at beautiful paintings before having her attention diverted by a shelf housing leather bound books. Not too far away the Doctor began to playing with an orrery, an intricate mechanism showing planets and their satelites, that had apparently been set up wrong because he readjusted the positions of every satellite relative to their planet.

"So, you think Sutcliffe is an alien?" Bill's question was directed at their own alien while she simply stood by a window, afraid of touching anything.

"Possibly." Three moons got sent to their rightful place.

"Because the creature is an alien." Ophelia's heart agreed to at least that part, not quite sure about Sutcliffe being other worldly.

"It certainly appears to be producing fuel suitable for interstellar travel." A small nudge from him sent a small beige planet around the sun and he walked up to her. "Either way, Bill, I need you to leave the talking to me."

"Why?" She looked close to slapping someone so Ophelia walked up to them as well.

"Because you have a temper." This had probably something to do with whatever happened while she was with Kitty.

"Oh okay." Bill spluttered nonsense. "Well, I lost it a tiny bit."

"You're about to meet a man, alien or otherwise, for whom human beings are raw material." His words were met with an eye roll despite sounding dead serious, she pursed her lips to hold up a comeback. "Who grinds up children for profit. What we are here for is one thing. Information. We get that with diplomacy and tact. Charm, if necessary."

"Okay. I get it." She sat unceremoniously in a wine colored leather armchair.

"Always remember, Bill. Passion fights, but reason wins." Ophelia gave her a warning glance to be serious about this but it was barely registered.

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