↳ the lie of the land #3

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The Doctor walked in a wide circle before silently approaching the Monk in black robes. Its stillness while seated on that centralized chair, slightly bent forward with hands resting on columns of white plastic, unsettled them all. Now they were closer, another detail showed, a thick metal circlet on its head. Their leader thought it was good to sneak round behind it.

"Boo!" Even Ophelia stepped back, right arm instinctively reaching out to cross in front of Bill, who simply looked annoyed. The Monk remained unmoved.

"Not necessary." Nardole's eye roll had no effect.

"Nee-owwm." Like a child might when begging for attention, the time lord waved his right hand over the thing's face. "Okay, he's out. Let's do this."

He gave Bill a reassuring smile (this is going to work, nobody is dying today), turned to the other girl as if saying (in case I do end up dying, sorry) and took a deep breath before slowly placing his hands on the Monk's head piece. Where he'd touched, it lit up in blue, a similar shade mirrored in his eyes. Their astonished gaze watched as history got put in place. No monks were drawn in cave walls, Winston Churchill stood proud and alone in front of many cameras, lady Di smiled perfectly safe in her wedding dress. None of those horrid creatures marred the moon landing, Doctor King's most famous speech of DaVinci's masterpieces. As each of them went up in flames, a piece of the heaviness from Ophelia's chest lifted.

"It is working!" Her own gaze stayed in the screens, smile growing. "The Monks are disappearing!"

It'd have been best to stay quiet and not jinx their plan. Just as the rare display of emotion left her lips, the Doctor suddenly dropped his hands with a grunt.

"Oh, I didn't agree to this." He shook his head.

"What's happening?" Bill stepped up to him, leaving her best friend to fight back an oncoming storm of panic alone.

You will try and you will fail, slithering words echoed just as they'd done everyday for five months. Other than complete megalomaniacs, this race was built on observing future happenings, taking control of them. Apparently her own future had been worthy of something because they'd kept close watch of it. A single strand from the simulation chamber was trust into the girl's hand five months ago, not much to be remembered except for what was told before her mind gave up on consciousness.

"He's fighting back." The Doctor gathered himself for some time. "He's blocking me, countering every move."

Out of pure spite, he grabs the Monk's head again. Instead of white, both columns where the Monk's hands were resting on turned to red. The same shade Doctor's colored his eyes, pain taking hold of him.


Horrified, they watched (those who could) as The Monks reappeared in the pictures. Marilyn Monroe got ugly looking bodyguards, red robes stood out inside Westminster as Kate Middleton said her wedding vows.

"Oh, no, no, no." Bill's disbelief echoed in Ophelia's nervous pacing.

It seemed round two of this battle went to the monks as well because somehow the Doctor was violently thrown backwards, into an unsuspecting companion and both were welcomed to a vast expanse of darkness.


Being unconscious wasn't as fun, much less peaceful, as media representations would have you believing.

Well, it was at first, then the memories started.

Ophelia was twelve, or maybe twenty one, it was hard to tell when your body has been the same for ever. Her arms held baby Coraline, as it'd become a habit going forward because their mother died six months later.

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