↳ the doctor falls #3

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chapter key:

normal text means right now
italicized text means flashbacks
italicized and underlined means emphasis


"But, we're surrounded."

Rexhill, much like everyone else who didn't know the Doctor, could only see the surrounding without thinking further than that.

"Oh, he loves being surrounded." Ophelia bites back, standing up against the fireplace, arms crossed. "It means everyone is looking at him."

He smiles lightly then turned to the matron before him."Hazran, let's get going."

"Right then. Come on, you lot. Everybody down to the cellar."

Every person previously occupying the small room began to leave following Hazran's lead until four time travelers remained, two males facing down while their girl friends stood off to the side. One human look out wished he'd gotten to leave as well.

"Nardole, I want you to lead the evacuation."

"What?" The cyborg blanched at what's just been suggested, voice rising. Such thing had to be a joke. "No."

"There's another solar farm on floor 502. There should be enough livestock in the cryogenic chamber"

"You need me with you."

As he attempted to convince The Doctor of his usefulness, the man downloaded everything on the laptop into his sonic screwdriver and shut the lid.

"Thanks for all the software." He raised the sonic up to his eyes before turning around. "I will take it from here."

"Sir, with respect, I'm worried about your plan."

The clever bit. Ophelia's breath shortened as Nardole got into further confrontation with their time lord.

"Plan?" His walking stopped and a careful expression of disinterest got put on. "What plan?"

"I think as soon as this place is evacuated, you're going to blow the whole floor, killing as many Cybermen as you can."

"No." His assistant would've laughed because that expression had been used on Saint Luke's Dean one too many times. "No, course not. I won't do that until I've left."

"Liar!" Both walked until centered in the room again, notebook between them. "It can't be done remotely."

"You couldn't do it remotely."

The Doctor's voice rose in frustration and she got ready to step in.

"Neither could you. And more to the point, you are not sending me up there to babysit a load of smelly humans."

"Yeah?" His outburst gave them one small glimpse into the oncoming storm. "Well, I'm afraid that's exactly what I'm doing."

"Huh? This is me we're talking about. Me." The cyborg gestured to his own face as if it answered every question ever asked. He then off those familiar spectacles. "You know what I was like. If there's more than three people in a room, I start a black market." Glasses went back on. "Send me with them, I'll be selling their own spaceship back to them once a week. Please, I would rather stay down here and explode. You go and farm the humans."

Usually Ophelia Watson would've added her two cents to this conversation by now but panic began rising as one decision loomed closer. Nardole tried to walk away from his newest duty but his master didn't let him.

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