↳ the doctor falls #1

154 9 2

chapter key:

normal text means right now
italicized text means flashbacks
italicized and underlined means emphasis


"If I let you go, do you promise to not scream again?"

His pudgy fingers remained around her mouth, tight enough to prevent noise but not so much it hurt. Maybe came more as a shapeless sound he took for yes.

"You really can't or else they might find us."

Just mentioning what had happened minutes ago was enough to silence them both, harsh breathing still leftover from running away.

The goatee man used some surgical instrument to go after him, or perhaps it'd been his own version of a sonic screwdriver. Whatever was the case, Ophelia had been too busy getting up from where the Doctor had pushed her down (lest she be caught in this as well), Missy's blow to his abdomen hurt more than just physically.

"Go!" His eyes pleaded before being knocked against a keyboard.

Knowing that her Doctor was hurting, consumed by never ending grief, guilt gnawing at his chest, made her want to hold steady by his side but it seemed their other friend had different ideas.

So Nardole had grabbed her hand and ran away.

That was all she seemed able to do.

"You have to leave." Avery breathed out, both taking a break after turning another corner.

A little over half a century ago, the cyborg had promised to serve the Doctor no matter what which meant not so pleasant choices every once in a while. Going down on that lift, he'd been given direct orders to get Ophelia out of harms way should things become worse than they already were but looking at her...

"I'm sorry." She seemed to say to someone other than him, some ghost dancing around in her memories.

It was terribly funny how life did three hundred and sixty turns in the most unexpected ways. Once again Ophelia's back got pressed against the coolness of steel walls after fleeing some sort of lab against her will, one more time had she been forced to leave behind a loved one, again without ever telling them how much they meant. The apology was directed at all those people whose lives had gotten jeopardized because she'd failed to fulfill her duty. I'm sorry, Avery. I'm sorry, Bill.

"S'okay." He stood across from her, taking time to mentally apologize to the Doctor himself for the orders he was about to disobey. Forgive me because there's no way in hell she is going back to the TARDIS. "What do you think about us stealing one of these and getting back there?"

At his words, her mind halted the pity party to take in just where their wild running had taken them.

An impossibly big hangar stretched out in front of them, filled with several types of aircrafts. Ones that looked built for farming, others dangerously close to a few warship models her own ship had in a forgotten library corner then on the far back were what they were looking for, it seemed.

"Well..." She tried to smile (it came out more of a grimace though on which he graciously didn't say anything) as their steps went in the direction of a small vessel. "I hope you know how to fly this thing."

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