↳ the doctor falls #1

Start from the beginning

"What?" He scoffed, it echoed loudly in the vast room. "I know how to fly anything, that is really not our biggest problem." Apparently neither was breaking into it, the inside reminiscent of a helicopter's.

"So we do have a problem."

Her nonchalance fooled a grand total of zero people.

"Kind of, well... not really." Nardole expertly brought the thing to life. "We've just got to lock into the signal."

"The sonic screwdriver can be used as a homing signal in cases of extreme emergency." His hushed tone was respectful of their asleep company. "If, by any chance, things go south tomorrow, you get them out then come back for me."

"But Doctor..." Nardole's disagreement sounded a little louder than expected, causing his master to steer both to a more secluded area of the library, away from the fireplace and a sleeping Ophelia.

"But nothing." He looked down, eyes as serious as they could get. "Here's what you have to do..."

Time lords could be very resourceful in general and the Doctor just happened to be the very best of them. There had been so many ways this adventure could go wrong that he'd planned for most of them.

"Nardole, have you been useful?" His voice echoed through the cabin, nearly ringing her to tears. He was fine.

"Yeah." He answered while they rose higher. "Found this in the loading bay."

Murphy's law states that anything that can go wrong, will do so. In this case, it happened quite spectacularly.

To begin with, Ophelia had the terrible idea to use an abandoned grappling hook to zip line down to the roof. Not her brightest idea but all she knew was that one if her best friends was alone (even if he'd come up soon) so her legs tensed in preparation for landing. Then, just as the girl had been prepared to make her descent through the hatch, a cyberman wrapped its arms around her friend, bolts of electricity wrapping around both. Much to Nardole's horror, her yelling had nothing to do with that.

How could he have been such a careless pilot?

It had taken one little shake, less than a second of readjusting so the ladder could place its magnetic clamps properly, for her previously firm legs to loose their hold. Either out of shock or because goatee had gotten way too close, Ophelia lost her balance and tumbled out, falling with a harsh thud besides an unconscious Doctor.


"Doctor, I don't think that's how you play this game."

He turned his head to her with a lopsided smile. Under this artificial sunlight, it was almost possible to pretend they'd taken another lunch trip to a random garden inside the TARDIS.

"What, you're telling me that I am cloud gazing wrong?" Her eyes squinted at him before facing up again. "Inside a space ship? While currently ignoring two rogue time lords and lethal wounds?"

"You think you're so funny." She mocked him back, gaze fixed on fake clouds floating high above them.

"I am funny."

Being here with him made it easy to close her eyes and pretend like these past hours had been a very bad dream.

"Not intentionally." Lips curled in a lazy smile, Lia fantasized about being back in their ship, waking up after an impromptu nap, papers to correct strewn around.

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