Akira tenses at the question. He already knows about Kuro's betrayal?!

"I knew that it was Kuro who helped you and that fleabag escape 10 years ago," Sora says, as though he could read her thoughts. "But, don't worry! I'll be sure to kill him for betraying me."

Akira downcasts her gaze, feeling tears prick the corners of her eyes.

"Though, I suppose I should be grateful. You did, after all, defeat Jura Neekis, one of the strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints, during this year's Grand Magic Games. If you managed such a feat, that just proves that you've become much stronger than you were ten years ago," Sora states, causing Akira to look up at him in surprise.

"How do you know about that?" She questions.

Sora's lips curl into a sly smirk. "I hear things. And, to think that my little Aki-chan has become a Wizard Saint herself! It pleases me to no end."

Akira glares at the silverette.

"Now, then, to give you back your old guild mark..." Sora approaches Akira. She skids back until her back hits the wall of her cell. "You know better than to fight it, Aki-chan."

Sora crouches in front of the blonde. Just as he reaches out a hand to pull down the sleeve of her kimono, Sora narrows his black eyes once he spots a mark on the left side of Akira's neck. Akira tenses as Sora brushes back her hair, revealing her mate mark. "What's that?" Sora demands, tracing the dragon mark.

Akira doesn't answer.

Sora pulls his hand away when she doesn't respond. "Oh, well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'll ever see whoever gave you this again. You're mine, Aki-chan, and, you'll always be a member of Dark Star." Sora pulls her sleeve down, and sees her light pink Fairy Tail guild mark, on her upper arm.

Sora places the stamp gently over the Fairy Tail guild mark. When Sora removes it, Akira gazes down at the five pointed star symbol that has now replaced the fairy girl symbol. Tears well up in Akira's pink eyes.

Sora smirks triumphantly at her. "You should know that a dark guild symbol is a lot harder to remove than others. You'll never see any of your friends or family again. I'm going to torture you until you break. Until you're finally mine again."

Sora gives the Suishou a cold-edged smile as he says, "Welcome back to Dark Star, Aki-chan!"

Sora gets to his feet, and, sparing the girl another cold smile, his gaze holding a dark gleam, Sora turns and leaves the cell, closing the door behind him with a loud slam.

Akira hangs her head and the tears well up even more. 'Rogue-kun... I'm sorry... but I didn't keep my promises...'


(Play song above)

Momo gazes around at the guild hall, her gaze saddened, just like those around her. It's nearly a whole month since Akira's kidnapping, and everyone has become devastated by it, especially knowing what Sora plans to do with her.

Wendy, Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Charlele and Gray are out looking for Akira, with help from Juvia. Samui had wanted to aid in the search for his granddaughter, but Makarov has refused to let him go, saying that anymore and the rescue mission could be endangered. And, besides, Samui needed to stay here for when his granddaughter returns.

Samui had tried to protest more, but eventually, though very reluctantly, agreed to staying behind.

The other members are all slumped at the tables or the bar counter they sit at. Not once all day did Natsu and Gray fight each other, which was unusual, even for them. Momo knew it's because they were especially close with Akira, seeing her as a little sister, that her kidnapping was hardest on them, same with Happy and Erza.

Book 3: Stolen Crystal (Rogue Cheney Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now