Chapter 6

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Taron felt awful, leaving Eryn the way he had, but he need time to think. He had been feeling increasingly overwhelmed by what he felt when he thought of her leaving in 4 days. He knew he needed time. It dawned on him as he sat in bed ,with the tv on in the background that despite the time they had spent together he knew very little about her life, he knew she lived near London, he knew nothing of her family, other than the mention of child abuse and trauma in her teens. He knew she was a writer, but again that was as much as he knew. He remained intrigued by what she had been writing, when she had shut her laptop and wondered why she felt she could share so much else.

He thought about their time at The hill and how she had let him waffle on about his life and dreams, she knew far more about him. But soon lockdown would lift, and life would resume its normal pace. It was clear Eryn needed someone, who could be there for her, in person far more than he knew his schedule normally allowed. He wanted to be that person, he knew given time and patience he could. But was it fair, to drag all his madness into her life on top of everything else?

Then of course there was this Phil character. Taron was sure that he wasnt the type to allow Eryn to just leave, the number of messages she had had, showed that. It was all so complicated, messy. He still felt the wounds from his own break up. But then he pictured her face, her big, blue eyes, the way she fluttered her long eyelashes without knowing. The feeling he had when she was around, a feeling he had never had before even with his ex, and they had been together 7 years.

He lay back, his hands behind his head. Things were so easy when he was with her, none of the complicated stuff seemed to matter. Was he just letting his neuroses get the better of him, like always? He picked up the phone and tapped out a text Hope youre ok, Today was amazing then changed his mind deleting it, he pressed the call button. The phone rang and rang before going to voicemail oh shit he said I hate these things, err Hi Eryn its Taron, listen I think maybe we need to talk, text me and let me know if I can come over, ok bye he finished.

Taron woke with the sun streaming in through the gap in the curtains, moving out of its range, he rubbed his eyes. Picking up the phone, he was surprised to see nothing from Eryn. Great he thought Now look what youve done he admonished himself for leaving things the way he had at the hotel. He should have just talked to her then. Now it looked like she was giving him the silent treatment. Taron decided that despite wanting to go back to sleep and avoid facing the day, he better gets up. He pulled on his running gear, grabbed his water bottle and filled it from the filter jug in the fridge.

Plugging in his headphones, he set off, allowing the music to take him away elsewhere, somewhere where he did not have to think about Eryn. Accept everything seemed to make him think about her, every song lyric and every piece of music. He made his mind up, he would get showered and changed and head over to the hotel, whether she messaged or not.

Arriving at the hotel a little while later, he headed to the lift. However, he was stopped by his friend Sonny, the waiter who had helped him organise the cappuccinos. Taron he called over, You looking for your lady? he asked yeah, I was just going to go up, why? Shes gone Sonny replied, Checked out last night, didnt she tell you? Taron felt his heart drop. He couldnt process what he was being told But she wasnt leaving until Saturday Taron stuttered confused and hurt. Yeah, She left with some guy, about 11pm I think Sonny continued Sorry mate, think you lost out on that one But Tarons mind was now running crazy, She left with a man? he asked What did he look like? Did you get his name at all? Sonny thought for some time He was I dunno about 58, skinny, brownish hair, I think she called him Phil he finished.

Taron ran his hand through his hair, he didnt like the sound of this at all, but if she wasnt answering her phone what could he do? He thanked Sonny and was about to leave, when Sonny called after him Hang on, she left her laptop behind, here you can get it to her cant you? he said. Taron could have kissed Sonny, Omg, err yes Ill get it to her, thanks he took the laptop and ran back to the flat. The entire journey, he rang and rang Eryns mobile number, but it just went to voicemail. As he got into the flat, it dawned on him.

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