Chapter 2

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Opening her eyes, Eryn was glad to find she was in her hotel bed, she checked and was relieved to find she was alone. A weird disappointment creeped over her, as she remembered Taron, the blonde, slightly curled hair, the sweet green -blue eyes, the dimples when he smiled. Omg she shouted out loud, What are you doing woman mooning over another man, when you have she stopped and looked at her phone oh good god 18 missed calls from the last bad decision you made while enjoying too much wine she sighed. Stretching out, she looked at the time, 9am not bad considering, she thought. How did I get back here? She had no idea, the last she remembered was walking down the promenade looking for candy floss. Oh god she thought as she pulled herself out of bed and went to wash, I probably made a right fool of myself Looking at her reflection, she picked the mascara goop from the corners of her eyes, what looker she chuckled. Taking it in, She had slept in her clothes, which were scrunched up, the bed sheet left a lovely set of indentations on her right arm, and as she inspected her skin, she was sure she saw the beginnings of a zit. Well you wanted that shitty, greasy food her head genie said out loud again. oh yes, must stop doing that she nodded, now what to wear? Looking out the window it was a bright sunny day, in fact she could feel it was already warm. she changed into shorts and t shirt, before heading down to grab what was left of the breakfast buffet. Aiming for something healthier. But ending up with scrambled egg on toast followed by pancakes and syrup. Spot? she thought before flicking that thought away.

As she sipped her orange juice, she began dealing with the missed calls, first calling her mum and letting her know she has arrived and had not died in a freak accident with a sheep or whatever her crazy mother had dreamt up. Then texted Henny, her nickname for her best friend Helen. She had upped sticks and moved to New York two years ago and Eryn missed her massively. She knew the time difference meant calling now would be unwise.

Lastly, she deleted her call list, watching the notifications disappear, satisfied as she saw Phils name plink into the recycling bin. She opened her text inbox and stopped. Taron? She sat staring at his name, confused then opened the message. Well, apparently, she not only had his number, with a ridiculously cute picture, but she had agreed to go to the beach with everyone today. The text confirmed the meeting point, time and Eryn gasped as she read the end of the text Promise I will find you some candy floss today, T xx Eryns mind went crazy, trying to remember what happened on the way home from the pub. Candy floss, what was it about bloody candy floss? It was as she finished her juice, and grabbed the coffee, that she received a new text, again from Taron, Had a brilliant time last night, cant wait to see you today t xx groan, Eryn slipped her phone in her pocket and carried the coffee to her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed she slurped her coffee. Wracking her brains. How much did you drink last night she rambled, pulling out a beach bag from the inner lining of the suitcase and shoving it clumsily back under the bed. Tapping her forehead in frustration she cursed You can remember every fecking song lyric in history cant yer, but not this, no not something bloody important Having dug all the things she reckoned on needing, sunglasses, sun hat, Sun cream swimsuit /bikini Oh my fucking god she cringed, What did even bring? looking through the draws she found the only bikini she owned it was a 1950s sailor style, more for lounging round the pool in Crete, than on the shingles in Wales. She opted for her full body one under shorts, pulling it on she wriggled, her undulous breasts in place as they made an escape for freedom. What is the deal with men and tits anyway? she pondered whilst retrieving half the crotch from between her bum cheeks. No oh no her head fell into her hands, she had forgotten this was the suit with the cheeky slogan, no way in the world could she wear something with Thicc Thighs Save Lives jutting out across her chest. Calming down, she thought, I will just have to find another one in town, plenty of time. I can change ... err somewhere. She wriggled back out of the suit and tutted, why buy the bloody thing in the first place, she thought. The whole, not doing so out loud clearly abandoned. Brushing her hair through she plaited it into two bunches and chucked her flip flops in the bag, pulling her converse on. She decided on some waterproof mascara, but she certainly couldnt go to the beach in a full face of slap. I look casual, Im completely uninterested in impressing any dreamy welsh fuck fuck she stamped her foot and sighed. I will have to do, she finally said to the reflection in the lift, surprising an older couple as they caught her conversation with nobody as the doors opened on the ground floor.

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