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The number of burglaries and break ins are becoming suspicious. Just the other night an unknown number of men broke in and attempted to gain entry to my study, Zenia responded instantly, but said they escaped before she could take count. Up until recently, She has taken up a solitude-enjoying state within her quarters, even turning away Isa when she came to knock on the door. Her privacy has gone on for five days now and I worry for her, I shall return when I Have a thorough report.
Zenia is not a human. I went to her door and knocked three times, And her voice came from within: 'for the hundredth time, please let me be!'
'tis I, Nicholas.' I responded, pressing my ear to her door.
'I dont care, please leave me be!' Zenia was becoming more hostile as I spoke, I almost demanded an explanation when I caught a hint of fire, yet Zenia did not own a fireplace in her quarters. instinctively, I reacted by requesting an explanation for the smell, Zenia cursed at me, telling me to hold my tongue, but the whisp of smoke I saw from under the door led me to barge in, With little warning. I froze, she was stark naked holding a bedsheet up to herself, Her arms from the elbow were covered in thick, red scales, as were her legs from the knee to her toes. The tips of her fingers and toes had become black claws. a red, scaly tail hung down from behind her, and a weak flame eminated from it's spine. The next second I averted my eyes, and turned to flee shouting apologies, but she told me to stop and shut the door. Fearing she may ignite me in a crimson blaze, I shut the door and feared the worst, expecting her to tell me to drop my trousers or prepare for myself to be roasted. instead, she said: 'I am a salamander, you caught me with my transformation magic depleted. I came to japan from my homeland because I was exiled for treason. Now avert your eyes so I may dress.'
I obey accordingly, covering my eyes and turning my back. After a minute, she told me I am able to turn back. When I next see her she is wearing armor of unknown culture, her katana by her waist. I ask 'Why a maid?' and she answers 'to stay hidden, I was a renowned contract killer in my homeland, here I may forge a new life.' after a pause and moment of thought, I ask her 'why hide such a secret?' followed by 'are there others?' she replies with 'I cant say if there are others, I am under oath of the demon lord' she expresses shock, and covers her mouth. she goes to her clothing drawer and produces a book with strange symbols and writing I could not identify. 'begone.' she growls. I try to ask of this 'demon lord' and then she grasps the hilt of her blade and shouts at me to leave. I exit without a second of hesitation.
-continued on 7/24/04-
I had a dream last night. a woman, with white hair, pale skin and blood red irises. She was wearing a violet dress with a black trim, two black wings sprouted from her lower back. She had an aura outlining her form, a strong one that I could feel pierce my mind with just a glance. I blink, and her face is two inches from mine, she grasps my chin in her hand, and puts a finger to her lips. the solid, stern look in her face was ultimately calming, yet at the same time shook my to my soul. Is this the demon lord Zenia mentioned? or a foreshadowing of hardships to come? only time will tell what new questions await me, what future my daughter, Isa will have, and what these suspicious break ins have to offer us all. I must awake Isa, sadly she has fallen asleep on my chest again but Lydia has prepared a hearty breakfast for us.

- Nicholas

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