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Nick was pushed down to his knees in the middle of his walkway by the dragon that captured him, she placed her claws around his neck, and shouted to the men who already trained their guns on nick, "I have him here, where is the Lamia called Isa?" The dragon asked, her end of the agreement fulfilled halfway.
     The Jabberwock pulled Isa by her hair out from behind a car, "Right here, Emm." The Jabberwock pushed down Isa and planted her foot on the lamia's back, "Kill Nick and lets get this over with, My husband and your eggs are in danger still." She added. The dragon digressed, then tightened her grip on Nicholas' throat.
     A man wearing black samurai armor and a silver mask Stepped out of another car and Began to clap, "Well done, ladies, Your collateral will be returned unharmed." The leader Happily announced. "After you kill Nicholas Hamichi where he kneels. Then, Isa will be returned to the estate."
     Emm Looked over at Isa, who was trying and failing to get the Jabberwock's foot off of her back. Emm felt the shadow of panic-induced Confusion cast over her, kill Nick and save her unborn children, or spare him, resulting in her clutch as well as Nick's friends and family to die.
     Nicholas pressed one of Emmera's claws against his skin, "Do it." he Gasped for air as Emm tightened her grip, "Do. it. For me." He insisted.
     "Well, Emmera, What will your choice be? one man's life, or the lives of your children?" The man behind the mask asked, gripping his sheathed blade, "The clock is ticking."
     Emm shook her head, her arm frozen by hesitation, "I cant." She shuddered.
     Nick grabbed her claw with both of his hands, looked into her eyes, and this time commanded her, "KILL ME!" His face flushed red. The ground began to tremble as Nick gagged, The razor-like claw began to turn red. Emm looked away and closed her eyes as the life of a human trickled over her green-scaled hand.
     In the road, The compacted dirt was blown away as Lydia burst from ground. Her shell's teeth opened, and from within Lydia and Jack peppered the blockade with gunfire.
     Emmera dragged Nick Behind a decorative stone wall, and shook off the raspberry juice from her claw While nick struggled with his collar to get the crushed berries out of his Armor before it stained his shirt. "That went well." He Remarked, and set his mask into his helm, "Phase two, Fly over and snatch Sora, They should have rescued Isa by now. Zenia is waiting to cover from upstairs."
     Emmera nodded and Flew over the bush, Looking down at the huddled gang members between their cars and Nick's wall. The dragon spotted Isa behind lydia's bulk, The bullets bounced off of the light brown shell like flies against a window. Sora was being held down by a man with a rifle, To the left of the central gunfight. Emmera swooped down, and something hit her like a charging elephan. Jazmin had intercepted the dragon mid-dive.
     "Your stunt just got my husband and your eggs killed, foolish lizard!" The Jabberwock Cried, As her tentacle-like appendages snapped at Emm.
     Emmera pushed off from Jazmin, giving each other breathing room, "If we act quickly, we can save them." Emmera offered. Jazmin's stubbornness shut out the offer, as she lashed out at the dragon.
     Zenia watched from the study room window, Unnoticed, her musket loaded. A flicker of new movement caught her eye, and she watched one man pull a hostage from a car, and use him as a shield to back away from the towering sandworm with a small handgun against the hostage's neck. "Idiot." Zenia Growled, and fired her gun. The lead sphere lodged in the gang member's head, and the hostage was free. Zenia removed the spent cartridge and slipped a new one into the barrel, "Where are you, Nick?" She whispered. She watched the Jabberwock, Smoking from fire damage, swoop down and snatch the hostage from the street.
      Nick Watched the jabberwock flee with her husband. As emmera snatched sora from the ground like a hawk, fly over the huddled gang members, and drop the harpy into the open maw of the sandworm. "My turn." Nicholas growled, clenching the handle of his wakazashi, ready to exact vengeance. Lydia closed her maw and sank deep beneath the earth, tunneling towards the forest behind Nick's house. A mob of angry men fired down the bore-hole, Their shots lost in the darkness.
     "Charge the estate! There are still some inside!" The leader commanded. Nick heard footsteps rushing past his hiding spot, he sprung from the bushes like a viper, Blade swinging with precision as he carved the criminals with his sword.
     Zenia focused on the Gunmen that Nick ignored, covering his onslaught when the door burst open. The mobster entering the room trained his weapon on Zenia, until Melana sank her teeth into his neck. She tossed his body out of the room, and sealed the door. "Now what, throat-sucker?" Mary griped, just behind the vampire. Slinging her trenchgun onto its strap over her shoulder, she drew her pistol.
     Melana cracked her knuckles, "Save one more for my dinner." She Hissed, "We Defend Zenia, dont let those bastards in."
     Two men remained on the marble walkway. Nick swung his blade, the remaining henchmen watched their partner fall. The leader drew a revolver and took aim at the pesky sniper in the window.
     Zenia shot the remaining rifleman; the leader's bullet launched from it's casing. The bullet passed through the wood below the window, Entered Zenia's lower abdomen and dislodged scales as it left her back, Where it dug into the wooden wall behind her.
Zenia fell back with a yelp, clutching the wound and gritting her teeth as she lay on her side. Mary rushed to Zenia's side and pressed hard against the seeping wound, Trying to stop the bleeding, "I need Gauze and Alcohol, Mel, run!" Melana wasted no time sprinting away for the first aid kit in the kitchen.
     The man with the gun pointed the revolver at Nick, sinister laughter badgered against Nicholas' ears, "Your pitiful little lizard girl is done, As will you be;" He shrugged, "Shame, she would have fetched a good price."
      Nick felt his heart racing, his veins felt hot, "You and the rest of the yakuza will pay dearly for what youve done here!" Nicholas pulled off his mask and tossed it to the side, Then twirled his blade into an underhand hold.
"Really, Nick?" The yakuza leader tucked his gun into a holster. Drawing his katana, he tossed his silver mask as well, Revealing a face with a deep scar crossing over a bloodshot left eye. The yakuza head Drew his fingers down the scar over his pale eye, "So you know it's me, Nicholas Hamichi," The yakuza head smiled, "Your old comrade; Havo."
      Nick rushed forwards, And stopped as Havo held up a knapsack; a large green egg peeked out of the bag. Havo looked up at the spec in the sky, watched it hover, "Is this yours, Emmera? It is So. Fragile." he Taunted the dragon, tapping the egg with his sword. The dragon dove at breakneck speed from the sky.
     Emmera landed gently by Havo's side, "Good girl." He complimented, "Now kneel."
     Emmera shook her head, "No." She growled. Havo raised an eyebrow and pummeled the egg with the hilt of his sword.
     Emmera quickly dropped to her knees as cracks appeared on the surface of the egg.
"You see Nicholas, a mother dragon with one thing left to lose will be under total control; if you take that and dangle it in front of her. For instance," Havo grabbed one of Emmera's horns in his hand, Turned her head upwards, and pressed his lips against hers. Nicholas felt his rage boiling over at the sight of Emmera's disgusted expression. While he was distracted, Nick ran forwards and kicked the egg skyward. Emm raked her claws across Havo's armored chest, Tearing his chest plate clear off. The dragon took flight as Havo landed his backside from the blow. Emmera Caught the egg in the air, and cradled it to her chest.
     Emmera spotted the rest of her clutch sitting in one of the cars, "Slaughter him, Nicholas. I am in your debt." Emmera held the egg close as she flew to the bullet-riddled car, Retrieved the eggs in an empty duffel bag, and flew to safety.
     "You know, Nicholas, you always ruined the fun for Us with your morals and homor," Havo pointed his sword at Nick, the two began to circle one another, "But you could only ever land one hit on me in a fight, And its right here." Havo tapped his scar, "This will be no different." The two men clashed, Their swords sparked and became blurs in the sunlight, As a woman with white hair watched from the shrine across the street.

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