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Dear Diary
I suppose Ive put it off too long. I must come forward as a father, as a man, and with dignity to confront Isa about her past. I should prepare for the worst of outcomes, she may react with anger, my worst fear is that she crushes me like a twig with her tail. She may look up to me, and she may see me as someone great, but that image could very well be shattered when I tell her that we are not related, that I picked her up in a forest one day nearly twenty years ago. The few scraps of food we have left is being reserved as much as possible, But Alice was able to donate three Apples and a small Pear. for being here only two months, she seems to support us entirely. Perhaps because of the knife in her back from my old gang? my hospitality? Jack and Mary's smoking breaks with her? No matter, thats besides the point. There is increased activity Recently, perhaps another attack may occur. This is going to be a hell of a day.


     Nick rested his inkwell pen off of his diary, Trying to put off his confrontation with Isa. Nicholas sighed and tossed the pen on his desk, reluctant to move. A knock was heard on his study door, And before the third knock went through, Nicholas raised his voice, "Enter."
To his regret, Isa pushed open the door, Zenia right behind her. "Master Nicholas, I think we should discuss our 'friend's' current actions, Theyre readying their firearms." Zenia reported.
    Isa was holding her violin, "Father, Ive been practicing another one of Beethoven's pieces, if you would listen after Zenia has had her turn with you."
    Nick stood up from his chair, and motioned for Zenia to approach, "Come here, Zenia." Nick walked around his desk, and Zenia Obeyed without hesitation. As soon as Zenia was in arm's reach, he snatched her into a tight hug, His face pressed into the side of her neck. Zenia Froze, Caught off guard as her tail ignited into a bonfire. "I require privacy, Zenia." Nick whispered to her, Her hair smelled of ash.
     Zenia returned the hug, "I take it you mean..." She trailed off, her face hot and red.
    "A moment or two with Isa, yes." Nick whispered back.
     Zenia felt a pang of disappointment, "What for?" She asked.
     Nick struggled to get the words out of his mouth, "To tell her the truth." He tried to pull away, but was caught in Zenia's embrace.
     "Special night with me and ill let go." The sly salamander offered.
     "Fine. No promises." Nick Agreed, and Zenia let him go, A spring in her step as she left the room, her tail burning bright as ever. Isa was trying to look away, Slightly Embarrassed.
     "Eh, I think I should be going." Isa Mumbled, Surprised by the sudden display of affection, She turned to slither away and was halted by Nick.
    "Wait, Isa," He exhaled a heavy breath, "A moment of your time?" he asked. Isa slithered over to Nick's desk and set her violin and bow on it's surface, next to Nick's diary.
    "Of course, father, but I would enjoy a cup of Zenia's tea afterwards." Isa explained. Nick walked back around to his chair and practically fell into it. He looked down at his diary, and then at Isa. He didnt see the fine woman that stood before him now, but rather the child that used to cling to his arm and hide in his coat during the winters. "What is it, father?" Isa asked, breaking the silence.
    Nick Took a deep breath, "I believe I owe you an explanation, dearie." Nick Found it difficult to damage the girl that looked at him with curiosity. Nicholas closed his diary, and slid it across his desk to Isa.
    "Read, from page one." Nicholas Specified. Isa hesitated with her hand over the diary's leather cover.
     Pulling her hand back, She shook her head, "Father, this booklet is your personal life, it would be rude to--" She stopped as Nick raised his hand and closed his eyes.
     "Please." Nick insisted, then crossed his arms to wait for her to read his diary, to read her history from his eyes. Isa reluctantly picked up the diary and opened it to the first page.
     As she read, She became more curious. She turned the page, and became even more puzzled. As more pages turned, her face became increasingly troubled. Halfway through another, she gave a little smile, "Zenia should write more, her kanji needs practice." But the light moment was short lived as her eyes filled with dread.
     Isa skipped three pages, and continued to read, then quickly shut the diary with enough force to startle Nick, Who felt fear scratch at his spine. "So, You just found me in the woods one day? Others like me nowhere to be found?" Isa snarled.
     "Isa, you were on the verge of--" Nick leaned back in his chair as Isa whirled around, Tears beginning to run down her cheeks.
"A madman who just picks up a child with a tail in the woods and carries her off? thats who you are?" Isa was not sad, but afraid, "You were merciless to those men in that foul building, but how do I know youve never harmed me? never violated me?" She slammed a fist on Nick's desk, causing him to shut his mouth before he could speak, "Youre a twisted killer, Nicholas! You showed no mercy and in turn fragmented my trust and vision of you in one fell swoop , How do I know if you havent befouled me?!" Isa Shouted.
     Nicholas held up his hands defensively, Palms facing down, "Please calm down, Isa, I can assure you I never-"
     Isa slapped her violin off the desk, sending it flying towards a bookshelf, where it's Neck broke in two, held only by its strings to the instrument. "Silence, mewling quim, Or I will squeeze the life from you." The lamia trembled with fear and anger.
     "Isa," Nick tried, "Please listen to me," he slowly began to rise from his chair, "If I had not acted, Though I did react violently, Sora would not be here today with us," Nicholas explained, "She would be chained to a bed, A toy for those who desire it in yen." Nick steadily approached her from around his desk, "I shouldnt have let you read that book, here, ill lock it in my desk--" As Nick reach for the diary, Isa pulled if away from him.
     "Burn it." She snapped, her face was still damp, But it had turned dark, "Burn it and then we run from this place." She sobbed, "We run and make sure the hornets' nest you kicked does not follow."
     Nicholas shook his head, "Run where, darling?" he asked, and touched her arm.
Isa responded by backhanding Nick's chin. Nicholas grabbed his mouth in surprise, It didnt hurt him, but it made his heart heavy, Like A stone in water.
     Claws tapping on the wooden floor signified Sora's approach. "Sora, thank goodness youre here," Isa relieved, And held out the diary, "Take this to the foyer and toss it--" Sora silenced her by slapping Isa clean across her face, Ending Isa's childish overreaction with a red imprint of Sora's palm.
     The kikimora pointed a finger in Isa's face, almost touching her nose, "You owe master Nicholas your life, Snake," Sora Asserted herself, "I owe him my life because he went against impossible odds to save me from a life of forced prostitution." The harpy had blown her top seeing Isa strike Nick, "You would be dead, frozen stiff, abandoned, and your scaly ass food for the scavengers in the forest if it wasn't for this man."
     Isa was beginning to lean away from sora, feeling Defenseless. "Young lady, crawl back to your quarters and you may return when youve thought over an apology!" Sora's eyes were fierce, the harpy snatched Nick's diary from Isa's hand and tucked it Into her bra, "Move!" Sora redirected her finger towards the door, and Isa quickly saw herself out.
     After Isa was gone, Sora calmed herself and turned to Nick, "Are you okay, master?" Sora asked, and gently moved his hand from his chin.
      Nick closed his eyes, And felt Sora's fingers brush at his bottom lip, "No, Sora," Nick responded, "My chin is fine, but my heart is In two." Sora placed her hands on Nick's chest, leaned in, and looked up at him. "My daughter sees me as a monster, And she may never trust me again. What do I do, Sora?" Nick asked.
     A new voice Interrupted the moment, causing Sora to jolt back, "I say you be a man and Show him you love him as a daughter." Mary input, "Her, I mean her." She corrected. Mary Walked up to nick and crossed her arms across her nearly-flat chest, "From what Jack's told me, Youre a real swell Nick, guy." Mary coughed, "Way around other." The dhampir paused and seemed flustered.
     "I understand, Thank you, Mary." Nicholas Wiped the moisture from his eye, and adjusted his glasses, "Time to be a man."

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