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     Nick was pushed down to his knees in the middle of his walkway by the dragon that captured him, she placed her claws around his neck, and shouted to the men who already trained their guns on nick, "I have him here, where is the Lamia called isa?" The dragon asked, her end of the agreement fulfilled halfway.
     The jabberwock pulled isa by her hair out from behind a car, "Right here, Emm." The Jabberwock pushed down isa and planted her foot on the lamia's back, "Kill nick and lets get this over with, My husband and your eggs are in danger still." She added. The dragon, Emm, digressed, then tightened her grip on Nicholas' throat.
     A man wearing black samurai armor and a silver mask Stepped out of another car and Began to clap, "Well done, ladies, Your collateral will be returned unharmed." The leader Happily announced. "After you kill Nicholas Hamichi where he kneels. Then, isa will be returned to the estate."
     Emm Looked down at isa, who was trying and failing to get the jabberwock's foot off of her back. Emm felt the shadow of panic-induced Confusion cast over her, kill nick and save her unborn children, or spare him, resulting in her clutch, and nick's friends and family die.
Nicholas pressed one of her claws against his skin, "Do it." he Gasped for air as Emm tightened her grip, "Do. it. For me." He insisted.
     "Well, Emmera, What will your choice be? one man's life, or the lives of your children?" The man behind the mask asked, gripping his sheathed blade, "The clock is ticking."
     Emm shook her head, her arm frozen by hesitation, "I cant." She shuddered.
Nick grabbed her claw with both of his hands, looked into her eyes, and this time commanded her, "KILL ME!" His face flushed red. The ground began to tremble as nick gagged, The razor-like claw began to turn red. Emm looked away and closed her eyes as the life of a human trickled over her green-scaled hand.
In the road, The compacted dirt was blown away as Lydia's bulk emerged from ground, her shell's teeth opened, and from within, Lydia and jack peppered the blockade with gunfire.

-- 1 Hour Ago--
     Nick tugged A trunk out from under his bed, and brushed off the dust. He read his name in The Kanji on the surface of the luggage, steeled himself, and thrust the key into the lock. Twisting the key, there was a click as the latches popped open, and Nick opened the trunk to reveal his dark-colored armor Covered in scratches and a layer of dust from twenty years of sitting dormant under his bed. Nick pulled out the chestpiece, and brushed the dust from it's hard-leather surface. He set it on his bed, took off his formal wear, and dawned the armor over his dress shirt.
     Melana cracked open Nick's door, he stood in front of a mirror, adjusting his armor. The vampire stepped in, seeing he was struggling with a binding at his side. "What are you doing here?" Nick politely asked, looking down at her as she reached for the loose clasp.
"You seemed troubled, so I came to help." The vampire explained, and fixed the armor clasp. Nick rolled his shoulders, resetting the armor's position on his torso, "how long has it been since you wore that?" Melana asked.
Nick looked at his left gauntlet, and clenched his fist to settle his hand in the armor, "Decades." he answered, and looked in his other hand, which held a silver mask with faded, rusty brown streaks across its surface, "I can still see my sins in this armor, feel their weight." Nicholas described wearing his old armor, from his days in the samurai clan. Mekana's clothing appeared empty in the mirror, as if her garb had a life of its own.
"Will it slow you down?" Melana asked, worried he would be beaten easily.
As Nick turned towards her, He removed his glasses and inserted the mask into the helmet's slot, "It will strengthen me." He uttered under his breath. The bedroom door's opening and shutting caught their attention, Chandra had entered the room. The valkyrie looked nick head to toe, taking in his armor and mask. "A minute alone, Nicholas?" Chandra asked. Nick nodded at Melans, who bowed her head and left the room, shutting the door behind her. Chandra approached Nicholas and touched the dark red chest of Nick's armor, "This armor, it is yours?" She asked
Nick nodded his head, silent. Chandra could feel the hellish deeds of the past on the surface of the decorated leather. "This armor is tainted by your wrongdoings," she explained, "In turn of you confessing to me, I wish to confess to you, someone who I know will listen because you care for us." The valkyrie requested, Nick removed his mask and set it on his bed, next to the glasses. "You may speak, Chanda, I will listen."
     Chandra seemed instantly uncomfortable, she looked down and away from Nick. "Being stuck down here, abandoned, I had to adjust to make the surface of earth a home for myself, I had to adapt to being more human than valkyrie. For years, my sword, armor, and shield were untouched. I built myself a small home in the isolated countryside of europe, away from humans." Chandra Shuddered, "I met a traveling man on the path behind my home," She continued, "Before I knew it, a year went by and we were so close it was hard to be away from each other. I was so intoxicated by the feelings I had, I could hardly resist them," the valkyrie avoided eye contact, "So one day when he had left to a market, I went to a tavern in town, And started so much with so many other men, I practically threw myself at them, Ive disgraced myself so horribly With desire I..." Her voice trailed off, then she took a breath and forced herself to continue, "One by one they left me after discovering what I was doing, and the one I liked most, the first, His desertion hurt the most." Chandra gazed into Nick's eyes, then her attention snapped to the door as a gunshot and the sounds of fighting broke out.
Nicholas turned Chandra by her chin, "Youve given yourself a new life, you fled from your past but in this moment you should forgive yourself. You have changed."
     Chandra Placed her hands on her waistline, and again looked away from Nick, "I believe youre right. I shouldnt dwell so much on the past." The valkyrie Shook away the sense of dread, "Enough, they need our help out there."
Nicholas equipped the mask as Zenia burst through the door, three Parallel wounds were raked across her chest, and two more Across her right bicep, "The others... Beaten," She heaved, And stumbled Into the room, "Intruder," The salamander coughed, "Dragon." Zenia finished as she collapsed onto the floor, Her katana clattered on the wood and lie still next to her.
      Nick and chandra Rushed to either side of her, "She seems okay," Chandra noted, "Beaten senseless, but she should make it to tomorrow with ease."
    A scratching sound At the door caught their attention, And they drew their swords. A woman crashed through the door; green scales covered most of her body, Two horns rose from her black hair, Fin-like ears protruded from the sides of her head, And two folded wings hung from her back. The dragon pointed at nicholas, Her tongue engulfed in Flame, "Your head for my clutch!" she snarled, and took a deep breath.
     Chandra Positioned herself in front of nick, and hid themselves behind her shield. A jet of fire Impacted the face of chandra's shield, Flames licked around the edges as the sky-Blue shield Began to turn orange-hot. The ceiling, walls, and rug scorched from the blaze. As the fire died down, Chandra rushed with her shield before the dragon could take another breath.
     Chandra lowered her shield and swung her sword. The dragon effortlessly caught the broadsword With one scale-covered hand, And thrust her other hand forwards, The resulting palm strike sent chandra reeling backwards as Nick prepared a strike of his own, only to be set off-balance by a tail sweep against his leg. The dragon shoved Nick onto his back and pinned him by sitting on his chest, brandishing her claws for a killing blow. "Its always claws, fire, swords, or scales with you women." Nicholas grumbled, and flinched as the claws that would kill him burrowed into the burnt floor by his head.
    Nick slapped his palms to the dragon's ears, disorienting her. Seeing his window of opportunity, he rolled over, turning the tables on the dragon, Who was now pinned to the floor. Nick raised his sword, blade directed towards the dragon's chest, but the scaled woman managed to push him off with one of her knees.
     Chandra Rushed at the dragon as she inhaled, slamming into the dragon's side with her shield and knocking the wind out of her. The dragon promptly sucker-punched chandra, Knocking back the valkyrie.
     The dragon grabbed Nick by his torso armor, and thrust him against a wall, Nick was lifted off the ground, unable to move. He Slashed at the arm that held him, Hardly scratching the surface of emerald scales. As he struggled to break free, The dragon pulled back her arm, and made a fist. Nick stared down the dragon, Waiting for the end.
As the dragon threw her punch, Nicholas caught a flicker of regret in her bright, blue eyes. The scaled fist punched through the wood with ease, out to the hallway beyond the wall. The dragon hung her head, still as a statue. As Chandra wiped a streak of blood from her lip, she readied for another attack, until Nick stopped her.
"Wait, chandra." he held out his hand towards chandra, The situation delicate. The dragon loosened her grip.
"I couldnt murder a man if I wanted," The dragon began, her voice woe-struck, "They kill my husband, steal my eggs, and send me and the Jabberwock, Jazmin, to kill you." The emerald-scaled non-human turned her face upwards, "I can kill any woman or mamono, But no human man." The dragon released her grip on Nick, he stepped away from the wall as the dragon turned her back, "If I dont kill you, then my unhatched children will be destroyed."
"Mamono, what is that term?" Nicholas asked.
      Zenia Struggled to her feet, fighting through the pain, "It's the word for us, and others like us." The salamander squeezed the handle of her sword, "Non-human." She explained, keeping a watchful eye on the dragon.
     Nicholas picked up his mask, "What if we could get them all back, and I keep my life?" Nick Proposed, the three mamono in the room Raised their brows at him in question.

    Downstairs, Jack crouched behind the kitchen's center island as bullets whizzed over the countertops, Mary scuttled around the corner and bumped into him behind cover, "I got Lydia and Melana to safety, I dont know about Zenia but they got Sora." The dhampir loaded her trench gun, "Six shells, one mag in the '11." She reported. Jack checked his own two handguns.
     "I got Eight live ones, four each." Jack Holstered one of his handguns and adjusted his fedora, Mary listened closely for the enemy to reload.
     "Looks like the alamo." She mumbled, "I prefer our getaway in chicago." She Added.
     Jack cracked his neck, "Yeah, but this isnt a warehouse and ive got arthritis." He looked at Mary's expression, and knew what she meant from it. "Im old, damnit." He shot back. Mary shrugged, and readied her trench gun. The gunfire stopped, Jack and Mary popped up from behind the center island, And opened fire on the five who targeted them.
     Mary pegged two of the gangsters with one blast of her trenchgun, Jack popped off three shots from his pistol, nailing two more as the fifth pointed his rifle, only to have two swords extend from his chest. The swords retracted, revealing Nick and Zenia. "About damn time, Nick, That was closer than the hairs of my ass!" Jack complained as Nick shook the blood from his sword. Mary giggled at Jack's remark.
"Patience, my friend." Nick replied, Zenia hung onto his shoulder with Chandra and the dragon Behind them.
"Who are they?" The dragon asked. Zenia pointed at Jack, "Thats Jack," She huffed, then pointed at the dhampir, "And thats mary. theyre american bootleggers."
     "Emmera." The dragon replied, introducing herself by placing her hand on her chest.
    "Youre covered in scales, woman, how do you please a man?" Jack remarked, only to have Emmera shake her backside at Jack, who quickly threw up his hands and looked away.
     "Rather indecent, dont you think?" Zenia Prodded, Clutching the wound on her belly.
Emmera chuffed, "My body is my husband's. no other man may touch me, They Can be consumed by hunger for my beauty for all I care." The dragon Puffed her chest and thrust back her shoulders, "What is this plan of yours, Nicholas?"
     Nick motioned for them to follow, "The backyard, we need Alice." Nick marched down the hallway, The mamono behind him.
     Jack pointed at his partner, "Mary, be a dear and watch over Slithers and Fangs."
     In the backyard, Alice had effortlessly defeated four men who had vaulted the perimeter wall, She threw one from her vines, and tightened her razor sharp grip on the others, "This garden is safe, Nicholas." Alice reported as Nick entered the greenhouse with Jack, Zenia, Chandra, and Emmera. Alice eyed the members of the group that walked in, "A bit crowded for my taste, But your breath is divine in this weather."
     Emmera leaned into Nick's ear, "I want my eggs back, Nicholas, We must act quickly."
     Jack tapped Nick's shoulder, "They snatched Pigeon, Nick, theyve got Sora." He added.
     Zenia looked up at the armored man, "I dont have the strength to fight head-on again, but in your grasp, I feel my strength returning." The salamander smiled, her tail lighting up.
     "They have two heavy bargaining chips, Nicholas," Chandra added onto the information, "I hope you know what youre doing. if it fails, You will die and we will be taken away." The valkyrie pointed out.
     Nicholas thought long and hard, He looked at Alice, Who sat on her rose petals and crossed her arms. He looked over his shoulder to see Mekana, Lydia, and Mary Exiting the house. He had a better idea than to die. "They have two," Nicholas started, "But you have me." He told emmera, "Listen closely, time is short." The Hamichi estate listened intently to their master, their friend, their Protector, as he began to speak.

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