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The time came to pass that we greet the new year and bid farewell to the old one, The mood in my estate between me, my daughter, and my faithful servants has greatly improved, and if anything that day in august has fallen from the pages of our memory.
Japan's political stature is as polished as ever, a new shrine was erected across the road from my home, And Isa is ever improving. Though the winter is difficult on the poor little thing as her reptilian side urges for her to hibernate she still rushes about from room to room to each lit fireplace to stay warm, whilst the humans and Sora repeat the same until our shipment of winter equipment arrives. I am such a damned fool, I am a wealthy senator with no snow gear nor warm clothing to stay comfortable with. Perhaps a thief has taken it all? I could have sworn I had plenty to spare.
Isa is in the room with me, playing her violin, she is playing a tune from a children's lullaby I believe Chandra taught her. Such intelligence for such a small child. She's grown on me quite a bit since the year of her discovery; when she coils up on my lap for her nightly story, it spreads a smile on my face. If only I had such luck in the past. but that is a story for another time. Melana is calling me, perhaps something of interest has emerged.


My Daughter, IsaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora