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Well I do suppose that I should come back to my personal thought's pages and release my guilt. I realize that I have ended the hideous lives of swine and sewage, freeing those who Were drowning in the filth of men. As far as my own thoughts go I have naught to scribe or record from my mind though with the exception of the desire to tear out the previous entry altogether. But why dwell on the times that have passed? Zenia has been abnormally quiet and her temper has grown short, Occasionally she will snap at me or one of the other maids, Isa being the only one excused from the outbursts. I suppose it is a good thing that Zenia is a very understanding person. As for Sora, she has grown shy, and defensive of her new feathers, which regrew shortly after being rescued. Should anyone touch her wrists she yanks her hand away as if touching a flame. I saved them from a lifetime of misery, now I must save them from themselves.

- Nicholas

My Daughter, IsaWhere stories live. Discover now