Ch. 11 - Return to the Void

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"I really need to get back to H-" Zekaj started, but was once again interrupted.

"Nonsense, you've been gone for two years. You can stay around to have dinner with us." His father stated. In this household, his father's word was final. Typically though there were no fights amongst them, except for when Zekaj and Zekai were kids.

They all left his room for the main dining hall which was decorated the same as most of the castle, dark. Zekaj couldn't help but think about Hunter the whole time and hoped he wasn't worried.

Dinner was served in the grand dining room. The windows overlooked the endless nothingness and some parts of the town that was on the edge. At the front of the table sat his dad, with his soulmate to his right, Zekai and Zekaj sat next to each other on the other side of the table. Behind his father on the wall, above an active fireplace, was a family portrait from when the kids could've been no older than 14 or 15.

After everyone ate for a bit, which took around 2 hours due to the amount of courses they had, his mother started up the conversation again.

"So what have you been doing for the past two years."

"Just hanging around Earth." Zekaj said.

"How? Were you summoned? Did you find a portal?" Zekai asked.

No portals to hell were known and it's always been widely agreed upon that portals to earth from Hell and the other way around didn't exist. If one had happened to be found, it would cause wars the second it was public knowledge. Every demon would want to use it to their advantage. If a demon was able to get on earth without the binding of a contract, they would be able to do anything they wanted.

Demons slipping through the veil on halloween was different since their connection to the earth wasn't as strong as it would be through a normal portal. If a demon got through with a portal, their connection would be just as strong as a human and a banishment spell wouldn't work at all.

"No god no, I was summoned alright. His name is Hunter."

"And who is this, Hunter." His father asked.

"He summoned me two years ago while I was, uh," Zekaj stopped. "Busy. I was angry at first until I realized it was only a kid, he was only 15 at the time. His birthday was a week later though, September 13th. He summoned me to be friends and I thought, why not? Ya know?"

"And that's all you are, friends? Zekai smirked.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Zekaj asked, confused. Zekai just shrugged him off.

"So what have you been doing for the past two years then son." His father asked.

"Well uh, just hanging out I guess?"

"Hanging out?" His father asked.

"Yeah, like he taught me how to play Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, snowball fights." Zekaj listed.

"So the one of the most feared demons in hell has been crossing animals?" His father questioned.

"Well that's not exac-" Zekaj sighed. "Basically, yeah." There was no point in explaining to his father what Animal Crossing was.

"Well I'm happy you're doing something that's not as dangerous as being summoned." His father said. Zekaj's parents hated that he was constantly going out being summoned. It was just as dangerous as summoning a demon was for a human as it was for a demon to answer a summon. Answering summons was ok if you did it sparingly, but Zekaj answered most.

"Yeah, it was weird at first but I like being up there, I like being with him." Zekaj smiled.

"But do his parents know?" His mom asked. "I doubt his parents would let a demon just wander around with their son."

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